
1.2 billion Naira Art works

Njideka Akunyili Crosby, one of the daughters of late Dora Akunyili, has sold one of her numerous artworks for N1.2 billion ($3.4 million).

In a report by Wall Street Journal, Njideka's highest selling artwork at the moment is a 2017 botanical piece named 'Bush Babies.'

According to the report, New York based art company dealer, Sotheby’s estimated that the "Bush Babies," would sell for up to $800,000 but ended up selling for $3.4 million.

The "Bush Babies" artwork was sold during an auction at the Christie's in London, United Kingdom.

The artist, who once sold artworks for  $3,000 apiece has joined the leagues of top-flight artist in United States of America and United Kingdom.

It was Njideka also reported that least 20 public museums are on a waiting list for works which Njideka hasn’t painted yet.

Njideka Akunyili Crosby's laurel list

At 35 years old, this artist from Eastern Nigeria, has since been awarded the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship.

The MacArthur Fellowship, also referred to as the Genius Grant, awards $625,000 to artists, writers, teachers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and people from all works of life who have shown exceptional creativity.

The grant is doled out in instalments, made over a period of five years.

Aside the grant, Njideka has also been decorated with honours for her artworks by the New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art and London’s Tate Modern have come calling.

So you are still reading & doubting if your own potential can earn you this much.  No success is built in a year, is a gradual process.

My Story

My story, It’s a difficult one to tell …. I’m still living through it and haven’t turned the page of this chapter in my life just yet.

Due to the length of this story , I will give a summary of my life over the past 12 years and explore elements of my past further with each new post , as we take the journey in unfolding emotional abuse.
I am currently in the midst of finding healing from the loss of a traumatic 12 year long relationship , which ended abruptly 6 weeks ago when my ex-partner called our upcoming wedding off after a 4 year long engagement.
I can hear the words he said to me clearly in my head. You are not mature enough to be my wife nor to have my children , and one of us needs to be the mature one to say this’

"You are not mature enough to be my wife nor to have my children , and one of us needs to be the mature one to say this’

I remember the feeling of dark clouds settling in my mind as he sneered at me. I asked, with my heart pounding at around 150 beats a minute‘ What does that mean ? Is the wedding off ?’ He confidently replied ‘ YES’.
My world fell apart ‘Did I upset him today?’ , ‘Did I say the wrong thing?’ , ‘What have I done wrong now ?’ These questions ran on repeat in a never ending loop in my mind over the past 12 years.I could never figure it out.

" ‘Did I upset him today?’ , ‘Did I say the wrong thing?’ , ‘What have I done wrong now ?’

This was our destination wedding , planned for over 4 years . All my family , both in my home country and abroad had spent thousands to attend ….. his family had yet to purchase flights nor book their hotels.
I had spent thousands for every element of the wedding. wedding dresses , reception décor , venue reservation , flights , honeymoon … and more. He barely contributed triple figures….. How could I not have known,

" How could I not have known…

So…. I know what you are thinking …. ‘What did you do to cause this ?’ , ‘He must have had cold feet?’ , ‘Did you pressure him into this?’
He cancelled our engagement , because ‘I needed to adjust my attitude’, and that I hadn’t supported him the way he wanted me to after the death of a close relative. I even got accused of ‘not hugging him in a considerate way. whatever that means.
I offered counselling. anything to find out ‘What was wrong with me?’. He responded by telling his family ‘The wedding has been cancelled due to her behaviour’ yet he told my family that I had been the one to cancel our wedding. I didn’t know he had done that … my guests remained none the wiser .
I distinctly remember my heart fading to black when he confirmed what he had told our families. I made him aware that I had not yet informed my guests of the cancellation of our engagement and wedding He retorted sternly ‘ You thought I was joking’

Immediately following this conversation , in a bid to avoid showing any emotion (in fear of his admonition) , I sat on my balcony in absolute awe …. I went to bed alone that night … unknowingly awaiting his fury.
He greeted me with fierce reprimands ..’ You are so selfish , you didn’t even think to hug me , instead you nursed your feelings about the wedding rather than take care of me, you didn’t even think to cover me with a blanket whilst I slept on the sofa’. The beratement continued for several hours , as I sat silently , numb from the verbal lashings I had grown accustomed to for several years.

" you are selfish..

Fast forward to now , I have left the home I had done everything to purchase (as he was recently facing losing his place of residence) after being told to ‘move out if I didn’t return home by the end of a particular date’. I returned 3 weeks later to my belongings , taken out of my own furniture , and placed in garbage bags …. he had moved me out of the home that owned together…
You see … It took all this for me to reflect on the past 12 years … For 12 years I have been repeatedly invalidated , shouted at , been witness to his frustrations and resulting physical assault of walls and furniture , been told I wasn’t good enough , had false allegations made against me , been cheated on , been made to take a lie detector test (for unfounded accusations) and the most painful of all … loved one day and treated like an enemy the next.
I could do nothing right , and I was always the cause of his dissatisfaction ; he made that abundantly clear as often as he could.

This was the last straw...

"loved one day and treated like an enemy the next.

  " he trained me to think this way..

I have written this as a means of an outlet , and as a source of healing , by unravelling the confusion in my mind and to learn to validate MYSELF…. to give myself a voice and to hopefully show others that they are not alone. I am by no means a writer …so I apologise for my inaccuracies , but every word comes from my heart , and I hope you are able to see me , as I learn to SEE MYSELF.

Hmm..... Emotional Abuse....


When the relationship is not working out, but you love them too much to let go, you keep encouraging yourself to stay and fight to make things work, believing they're doing the same for the relationship too, only to realize at the point where you are almost loosing yourself that the other person already let go while you were still holding on fighting. It hurts so much.

But why do people do that? They just stay silent and lead you on when they know they are no longer interested in the relationship. When things get boring for you, when you have lost every atom of love you have for that person, why is it difficult to just let them know? Why?

You know they are fighting to save what's left of the relationship, but you just sit there watching them give all they can to save what is already lost. You see them trying to win your affection. You see them calling, and texting, doing all they can to save the relationship from dying, but you are standing back, letting them fight alone, because you already left the ring a long time ago.

That is just wickedness.

Worse part is that you have moved on, having fun hooking up with other people, while your partner is just there, counting on you, believing in you, hoping everyday that things will go back to the way it used to be. It's wickedness.

A relationship I gave my all, thank God I hold back on my dearie Mom words! Never surrender totally to a woman, you are yet to call your wife. It helps on the day of sudden relationship adversity.
She left the relationship 5months ago & never declare it, so heartless. Only to be seeing you missing in the plan.

I know that sometimes it's difficult to let it out. Most times it's hard to open up to your partner about your feelings because you don't want people to talk about how you broke a heart, or because you are not sure how your partner will take the news. But hey, they deserve to know the truth that hurts, not the lie that deceives. Stop putting up some annoying atitude in an attempt to get your partner tired of the relationship. We do this alot, we just withdraw and wait for the other person to start talking about "the relationship is not working, let's take a break." When you know you stoped working on the relationship a long time ago.

Wickedness is not a fruit of the Spirit. If you have already let go in your heart, don't leave them hanging on to nothing, your partner deserves to do the same.

It leaves Most people with Heart of Hatred, never to trust anymore.

Pre-Wedding Night...

Hello funky believer, please can i talk to you for a minute?

Listen, I know that pre-wedding photos and bridal showers are awesome, I know it creates good memories for the couples and helps them bond intimately. I know how exciting it is to dress up in matching outfits with your spouse to-be and just have fun creating lasting memories with amazing photos and night parties with your gang. It is totally cool, but I just hope you also understand that as believers things are always a lot different for us, we don't just rush into a trend because everybody else is doing it, or because it is cool, what comes first is how much that fashion or trend adds to our christian life, i mean, how spiritually relevant is it to our love walk with God?

Please forgive me if I am sounding like a killjoy, but rather than surround yourself with friends who will dress up in white outfits and take photos with you in a hotel room to post on social media, why don't you keep a small circle of fire-branded friends that can join you in a pre-wedding prayer and fasting retreat, and still stick around to pray for your marriage whenever you need them?

Rather than going out on a bachelor's night party with a gang of friends who will tease you all night about how you'll be getting stuck with one woman for the rest of your life, why don't you have a bachelor's vigil with friends who's prayers and personal walk with God you can trust?

Hope you don't think I am trying to kill all the fun you have been dreaming to have, all I want you to see is how we can turn these exciting worldly interests into our spiritual advantage. When our friends are doing bridal showers, we can do bridal fasting and still have fun. When others are doing bachelor's night, let's do bachelor's vigil instead, is anybody catching this?

Start building up an army of friends you will need on that marriage journey, not the ones that don't have the spiritual capacity to go with you beyond the I DO. Start choosing your WAR FRIENDS carefully, start gathering spiritual guarantors who can stand in the gap for you in the place of prayer.

I encourage everyone to add this to their wedding plans, schedule a pre-wedding prayer retreat with fasting and tarry if your strength can carry, the pre-wedding photos and bridal showers can come later, but first, plan a retreat with your church, or a personal retreat at home with a few close friends whose prayers you can rely on anytime. This is a long term spiritual investment, this is what Sustains the marriage long after the swagger of the bridal showers and bachelor parties has expired, I wish alot of us can learn this.. And if you don't have a few good friends whose prayers you can rely on, then I beg you to start building one now.

"The most important pre-wedding exercise is not the beautification of your wedding, BUT the edification of your marriage.

Hope this speaks to somebody, we are the chosen generation God will boast about!

Boredom in Marriage.....

Some months ago a friend of mine came to me troubled about his relationship. He wanted to propose to a lady he has been dating for more than a year but he was a bit concern about the fact that she doesn't have a lot of swagger, not as much as he would love his woman to have.

That night he said to me;

Maria only goes to work in the morning, church in the evening, then heads back home. That is her daily routine.

She doesn't wear trousers, only long skirts and blouse every day. She ties her hair all the time , and never looks interested in hanging out or honouring party invitations we get invited to.

Her favourite spot is her church headquarters, she loves attending conventions more than anything in the world. I mean she has a boring social life. Each time I try to light her up she just prefers to stay in and mind her business.

I laughed my heart out that night at the eatery because I could totally relate to how frustrating that can be.

It's been three months after their beautiful wedding. And guess what?

Today his wife Maria makes all the restaurant reservations, buys them movie tickets and take him out for some karaoke, with her own money. She orders him pizza and smoothie at work. He said one time he got out of the office to find her waiting outside with an Uber to drive him home. And oh yea! she now wears not only jeans trousers, but leggings, pantyhose and bumbshots around the house as well. Last time he called to say he never saw it coming, how a calm-churchy single lady can turn out to be a wife with so much swagger, much more than he could ever bargain for.

Some aunties are just like that. Like Maria. Cover their hair all the time, all dressed in long long gowns anytime you see them. Will take a miracle to get them to attend a party, no trousers, some of them no makeup, their daily routine is just work-church-home-kitchen-sleep. Judging from how they are you would think marrying them will land you in a lifetime of boredom. But naaa, you have no idea how much swagger they are covering inside, just waiting for the right moment and the right man to come in and roll away the stone and unleash the excitement they have been saving up.

Dear uncle, please do not hold back if you're dating to marry one of these warm and reserved aunties. That was exactly what I told my friend that night. Don't let that push you away. Some are just waiting TO DO in marriage, with the right man. Be patient enough to stay and enjoy all she's been saving up for you. And such woman when they unleash, hmmmm, it will be more than you can handle.

Some aunties are just not ready to give permanent husband benefits to temporary boyfriends.

Propose A Relationship...

It's so important that I share this with my family, mean you;

When you are praying and believing God for the right person to marry and the Lord reveals someone to you with the revelation of a dream, a vision, or a prophecy from a member of your family or a minister you trust with the Word, do not be quick to approach that person for a relationship or marriage immediately after the revelation comes, please do not be quick.

Sometimes these dreams or visions or prophecies are so crystal clear that the name of the person is mentioned without error. Most times in these dreams the face of your spouse to be are usually recognized. It could be a friend, a collegue, a mentee, or even a single sister in a church that you are pastoring and mentoring. You see the face so clear and you're convinced that your answer has come, and with that conviction you move straight to that person with all spiritual and physical boldness to confess your love for them and propose a relationship.

That's not how's it's done dear vision-recieving brethren.

When these revelations come, do not be quick to make the obvious relationship and marriage move. Rather, let your move be towards starting a good friendship with the person if you are not already good friends, or strengthening your friendship if you are already close friends before God pointed them out as the one.

Get to know the visionee. God is not leading you out to go marry a stranger or someone you know nothing about. Sometime the vision can be true but the timing of your approach can be very wrong. And when you approach a right vision at the wrong time you might not experience the evidence of God's leading.

God might be showing you someone for you to get to know first, not to go rush and marry.

God might be saying there are the one but they are not ready for you yet because they are distracted by someone or something else. Because they have an addiction you need to know about and help them overcome. Because they are currently in a relationship that they believe strongly is heading towards marriage but it's not. Because they are also single but you cannot start a relationship with them right now, she will frustrate your love efforts, he will not reciprocate your committment, because they are not ready for love yet.

Sometimes God shows you someone who needs to heal first before committing to you.

And when we move hastily basking in that conviction, we end up getting frustrated along the way when that person's attitude is not in sync with the conviction God gave You, so doubt sets in.

Get to know the person first brethren. Most times God is not showing you the vision to go and start taking prewedding pictures, God might be asking you to go and wash them up first, before presenting them to yourself without stain or wrinkles. And there isn't a better way to do that than friendship.


Why Localize???

Quickly, please get in here dear uncles who are Godly husbands in the making.

I believe it's time we learn this simple love hack, it's so sad to see married couples stressing out their marriages everyday trying to deal with their partner the hard way when they can apply a little bit of wisdom to get results. Heaven wants no more stressed out marriages, I need you to start practicing this in your relationship like right now and get used to it...

If you want your partner to change something you do not like about her; I'm talking about physical things like the way she dresses so chaff, or the outdated grandma hair styles she loves to carry, or her terrible taste in shoes, or her untrendy choice of handbags, or that flashy wristwatch she wears without batteries etc...
The best way you can get a woman to change her style is not to vocalize it by complaining about it every now and then, the best way to get her to change her style is to ACT it.

Don't complain about it. Don't nag. Don't say "everytime you are always wearing this ugly shoes, I don't like it, don't you have another one?" if you don't like the shoes she's always wearing, get her a new one and replace it. It's the easier way.

Don't localize, ACT. You noticed she's been wearing a wristwatch that isn't working? Instead of complaining about it how about you ask if you can take it to someone who can fix it, or get her a new one?

The replacement method works better. Make suggestions, say;

"Sweetheart, can I get you a new handbag so that you can stop carrying this old one?"

If you don't like her hairstyles, browse some very nice hairstyles and send to her, suggesting she tries one the next time she goes to the salon. If you can, offer to pay for it.

And this applies to aunties too. Most men have favourite things. A brother can wear a pair of shoes the whole year, not like he cannot afford a new one, we just have this thing sometimes, if we don't wear it to the point of no return we won't get a new one.
Don't nag at him to change his shoes, ACT it. Get him a new pair, offer to chip in for a new one. A new pair from you is always different from all the new pairs he has at home, its special, he will wear it.

Localizing too much makes your partner insecure. They'll start feeling uncomfortable around you. If you keep complaining about her makeup she'll never be herself wearing lipstick around you.
If you keep complaining about her shoes she will begin to feel she's not good enough for you, and that is a level of insecurity you do not want in your relationship.

Learn to act it. Vocalize in your heart, save up and replace.

The best part about this is that when your partner starts getting a hint of the kind of things you like from the stuff you get for her, she'll start living up to it, buying things for herself that suits your style.


Unbeliever is Nothing..

Sometimes it not very easy for me to teach these things, it is not very easy for me to teach that God does not want us to yoke with unbelievers in marriage, folks who have no relationship with Him. Most times it sounds like we are making it up, but honestly we ain't.

God has showed us a million times all over scriptures why we should stick to our kind when making a marriage decision. Let me show you one more tonight, one powerful instance where God Himself couldn't compromise on His own word, even though in His heart He wanted to.

It's in Luke 16:19, the amazing story of our friends Lazarus and the rich man. In a second let me show you one of God's strongest standards in that story that you might not have seen before....

I will read briefly from verse 22:

“The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us."

Who else can see this with me?

The rich man was asking permission from Abraham for Lazarus to dip his finger in water and let the drop quench his taste, but Abraham denied him. Not because he wasn't interested or willing to help his torment, he couldn't give his permission because a great wall separates their fellowship.

Abraham said "besides the fact that you didn't live a good life on earth, even if I want to help you now I can't, because it is forbidden for anyone, or ANYTHING, or any CONVENANT to cross from where we are to where you are."

The rich man didn't want Lazarus to come meet him in his place of torment with water, that would have been a big ask. All he wanted was for Lazarus to dip his hand in water right where he is and direct the drops to fall in his mouth, still Abraham said no. Meaning nothing can cross over to that side, not man, not water, not marriage, nothing.

If God feels this way about the sharing of water drops between light and darkness, imagine how He feels when we cross over with our spirit, soul and body to yoke with an unbeliever in marriage?

Don't get me wrong, God is not asking us to despise or run away from our unbelieving friends who have no relationship with Him. In fact He wants us to love and pray for them. Even more He wants us to win them over to our side by our words and actions. Abraham and Lazarus could chat with the rich man from where they are, there was no barrier in communication, they chatted like they were in the same location, but when it came to sharing a fellowship, Abraham quickly reminded them of the standard. No one can cross over to that side, he said.

I want you to think about this the next time you start finding darkness attractive. The next time you start thinking about tuning down your light to fit into the darkness of someone you are eager to marry. I want you to think about this carefully. It is not because we like to teach it, but because it is God's truth. Love everyone equally, win them over by the light of Christ shining through you, but marry your own kind, that is God's will for our marriage, that we are not nequally yoked.

God wants to you to share more than a drop of water with your spouse, He has given you the whole ocean, even more, He wants you to enjoy living water overflowing in your marriage, but fortunately, He doesn't work in darkness,

"let there be Light." He said.

After Church Service.....

After church on Sunday it was announced that all the men should wait behind to pray for 30 minutes, both the singles and the married men. Half way through the session I noticed a lady joined us, praying like crazy and speaking in tongues everywhere.

Okay, to be honest, I got distracted there for a bit. She was the only lady praying amongst us, and she wasn't wearing a wedding ring, indicating she was a single lady. After the prayers my curiosity as usual, because somewhere between my own prayers I was asking God if she was praying for her husband or standing in the cap for a brother. So stubborn me, I wasn't willing to let it go. I spotted her leaving and went to say hello.

Another problem was asking, how do I ask her politely why she waited to join the men's prayer meeting without sounding very awkward. Right there an idea hit me.

So I said, "Hello, excuse me good afternoon. I saw you praying with the men and I thought I should come over and thank you for standing with the men in prayer."

Trust me that was the only polite way I could think of asking.

Then she hit me with a delicious bomb, she said, "yea, I was standing in the gap for my boyfriend, kinda long distance relationship, but you can say that I'm standing with the men in prayer."

My heart sank like awwwnnnn, so nice, the only thing I could say was "thank you on his behalf."

Hmmmm, I just want to challenge somebody reading this right now, the only place God can recognise you is in the place of prayer. The only time God recognises your love bond is when you are standing in the gap for your partner, or standing in the gap together.

Dear aunty of life, start praying for that man now, forget about marriage, praying for him as a single man will make praying for him as a married man easier. Develope the habit of standing in, practice carrying some of his weight on your own shoulders. Intentionally tell him to give you one of his prayer points to pray about, let him start feeling the miracles happening in his life as a result of your prayers.

Give him testimonies, testimonies inspired by you. Let him boost to his friends and say;

"I got the job because my babe and I prayed."
"I felt the headache disappearing when my girl layed hands on me, so each time I feel a headache I just run to her."

Uncles I'm talking to you too. How about hearing your boo boasting about you to her friends in the saloon?

"Alex, is my priest, He talks to God on my behalf because God listens to him."
"I got the admission after Daniel and I fasted."

Start building your partner's confidence in your prayers. Talk to God about your partner so much that anytime you walk into His presence He will be like "ehennn? what do you want me to do for Andrew again?"

Don't wait to practice in marriage, start with your relationship now!

Don't wait until a man comes, start building that familiarity with God before he comes with his coconut head.

I feel like am talking to someone out here reading this in bed, it is you?

Happy New Month.... wow.. wow

I just want to fall into prophetic ministry:

Whatever gathering declaring against your sucess loose there unity in Jesus name.

When you stand, you shall be recognized for favor,  when you knock hundreds will open unto you, when you call millions shall obey your commands, the ability to dig out your potential for wealth shall bestow you in Jesus name.

Ancient authorities ruling in your family loose value in Jesus name.  Destiny achievement no human in your blood line had ever accomplishe, you will attain it with ease in Jesus name.

I decree peace over ur worries, over ur night cries, over ur relationship, over ur marriage, over ur business, over ur career. Jesus will remember you, God will everly Choose to favor you. Struggling lost it grieve over you & you will not dissapoint Jesus Christ, you won't miss it, you won't get carried away, through out your days on earth it shall be glorious. In Jesus mighty name.... Amen!!!!!

Happy New month & welcome to your reign of express.......

Nice Guys Aren’t Always Good Men

To every heartbroken girl, every crushed lady, every disappointed woman, every deceived and manipulated girl, every pure and good-hearted woman who believed too much,
there’s a big difference between a nice guy and a good man.
It sounds the same, but the reality is – there’s an exceptional difference between these two.
I once was exactly where you are now . I let myself be fooled by a nice guy in the disguise of a real, good man. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

So, that is why it is essential for me to explain to you the main difference between those two. I want to use my experience to help you avoid these people.

A nice guy is charming, irresistible, insatiable. He will tell you everything you want to hear. And he won’t hesitate to lie to you when it feels convenient to him. Especially when there’s something ugly that he desperately wants to hide.
But, a good man will always speak the truth. He won’t be afraid to hurt your feelings by telling you the truth because he genuinely believes that integrity and honesty are more important than comfort. Those are values that last forever.

It is simple.
A nice guy is afraid of being rejected and he does everything in his power to gain validation, while a good man knows exactly how much he’s worth and doesn’t give a damn whether he’s rejected or accepted.

A nice guy will seem like a nice guy until he reveals his real intentions and tries to change who you are. He will try to modify your personality and mold you into a person he can see himself with. A good man , on the other hand, will not only respect your individuality but he will also love you for your wild peculiarity.

A nice guy will miss your calls and avoid your messages, but a good man will come at your door in the middle of the night and surprise you with a pizza and two bottles of beer.

A nice guy will treat you like a girl of convenience. He will show you just a little to get you hooked and then he’ll disappear when you least expect it, knowing that you’ll always be there waiting for him.

But, a good man… Oh, a good man will never leave you hanging, not knowing what’s going on between you two. He will make sure to let you know what’s in his heart. He’ll devote himself to you. He’ll open the gates of his world to you. He’ll welcome you to stay forever.

A nice guy won’t apologize when he’s wrong. He won’t take responsibility for his actions. Instead, he’ll find it easier to put the blame on someone else. A good man , on the other hand, admits his mistakes. He knows when he’s wrong and he knows just what to do to make things right again.
A nice guy will get you laid, but a good man will love you forever.

A nice guy is accustomed to an easy life. He won’t bother to work hard and struggle when he has a shortcut. That is why he’ll usually pick the easier way out. No muss, no fuss.

But, a good man, he will be 100% committed to his self-growth and his development. He will finish the work because it is the only way to ever achieve his goals. A good man knows that in life, there are no shortcuts.

More importantly, a good man won’t be concerned with labels and etiquettes like the nice guy. He will care about values.
So, please, learn the difference between these two, don’t settle for less than you deserve, and don’t you ever let them trick you!

Nice guys aren’t always good men!

Marriage Is Never Easy

My name is Sophia and I have been married for the past 9 yrs, I’m blessed with 3 kids (2 boys and a girl) and I have the most amazing hubby. I’m trying to correct the notion that all marriages are wacky, which is not true.

It wouldn’t be nice if some single girls out there don’t get to know that marriages can work if you make it happen.

I got married 9yrs ago to my hubby, we dated for a year and got married. My friends were like it was too soon since we barely know our selves, I was staying in Abuja while him in Lagos, I just come occasionally to visit him, so after a year, we figured it was time to move to the next level which was very amazing.
We got married and I started living the life of a married woman.

We loved each other so much but there were things we did not know about each other since it was long distance hence posed a problem for us. I had very bad mouth as of that time. I do like to challenge everyone including him which he didn’t like.

We argued a lot which ends up with several beatings.

The first time my hubby hit me, I ran to my aunt’s place and later went back home, it happened again and again, but the whole thing was after the beatings, he comes back to say sorry and to tell me how the things I said to him really did hurt and how he’s hot tempered and I’m hot tempered and all.

After a year, I told myself I had to work on myself, I stopped talking too much, prayed more often and asked God to help me with my temper, I stopped challenging him and always make him feel more than superior to me, like magic, the whole fighting stopped.

I took in and gave birth to our twin boys the second year. I was so engrossed with taking care of the babies that I forgot to give my hubby the attention he deserved. When my babies were 5 month old, I went through my hubby’s phone for the first time and I found out he was cheating on me.
The girl in question was supposed to be a family friend but she started sleeping with my husband.
I went through the whole bbm chat and saw the way the girl started flirting with my hubby and how he tried to resist and how he finally fell for her tricks, I was mad, I was raged but at the same time I was determined to be calm about the whole thing. I didn’t mention it to him when he came to pick up his phone cause I would have insulted him and said so many hurtful things to him, so I pretended like I saw nothing.

The next day, I started jogging with some neighbours, but after 2weeks I got a treadmill and started using at home. I was still running in the morning and using the treadmill at night.
After 3 months, I lost the whole baby fat coming back to 60kg which was my initial weight. I didn’t give up,I kept trying to look fit and everything.

One night, my hubby came to me saying we needed to talk, I was like hope there is no problem? He said there is! And I was like let me hear it. He then opened up to me about his affairs with that girl. He told me everything that happened, even went ahead to show me the whole chat and how he ended it with the girl and how she’s still calling back and begging for more.

Of course she was going to beg for more, my hubby is well endowed and gifted (Lol).

He was crying and apologising but I told him he shouldn’t worry, that it was all my fault, I forgot about him and he saw attention some where else. We made up and after 2 days, he got me a car out of guilt but I told him to stop worrying but I still liked the fact that he got me the car, it was my dream car.
We started enjoying our lives the way it was before, going to the movies, club, hanging out, I gave him all my attention.

Even after I gave birth to my baby girl 3 years later, he didn’t cheat on me because I made sure I didn’t stop been a mother, a wife, lover and friend. As usual, I started exercising again and went back to my body 4months after my baby was born. We were so blessed, work was going fine, home was fine.
Now when I say “Home was fine” it didn’t mean we were not quarreling, we were but I just made sure if I was going to quarrel about anything, it was going to be something worth it and I tried as much as possible not to be harsh or rude.

There was a time we quarreled and couldn’t reconcile immediately like usual and I went out to tell a male friend of mine not knowing that was the last thing I should be doing.
The guy was advising me and I felt he was nice. One day, the same talk came up between me and my hubby, when we couldn’t reconcile, I drove of to that guy’s house.

He consoled me and started kissing me. I was kissing him back and it suddenly dawned on me, he’s not my husband, I couldn’t do that to my hubby, I pushed him off and drove back home.

Told my hubby he won and told him how I kissed someone else and he told me he understands, so we’d drop the case even if I was right, deleted the guy as a friend and worked on my marriage.
Since then, we don’t stay mad at each other more than 10mins. My friends come to the house and they are like, I envy your marriage, that we still act as newlyweds and all, but what they don’t know is it not easy getting your family together.

Its’ so hard to be a friend, lover, best friend, mistress, mother, wife, sister all in one. I’m from a broken home so I know what I and my sister went through and I didn’t want that for my kids.
So I had to fight to make my home work. I got married when I was 18 and right now 27, but when you see me, I look 24, people never believe I’m 27 or a mother because I made sure I kept my self-looking good.

My hubby doesn’t like the whole idea of wrapper or anything so I don’t have one except for meetings. I dress in my bum shorts, miniskirts, short dresses, anything to keep me looking good.

So at this point I’m going to say, ladies:

1. Marriage is not easy
2. Don’t go into marriage expecting so much.
3. Don’t think your marriage would not have problems, they will always have, what makes you a woman is the ability to handle it
4. Make your partner your friend, best friend, lover, wife, mistress, mother, sister, with that, he can open up to you all the time.
5. Never lose yourself because you are married, he loved what he saw that’s why he married you, try not to go away from that.
6. Never share your problems with anyone, you would get the wrong advice from people, handle your problems within.
7. Do not argue with your hubby, let him win if you see it’s gonna pose as a problem.
8. For those with sharp mouth, trim it, that’s the one thing men hate. It took me time to learn, so please and please, never challenge your hubby, because it would make him feel he’s not in control and men like feeling they are in control even when actually, its the women who are in control.
9. Talk to him all the time, appreciate anything he does and encourage him.
10. Don’t forget to make God your number one. Don’t joke with prayer, it never fails.

Thank You

My Underwear Went Off

a true story and a testimony from a young lady.

she has shared her story so that others maybe saved. PLZ READ

I used to be that innocent girl who had the world at her feet. I was beautiful and I had eyes and hips that could make men sway, and to top it all up, I was a Christian, a very good Christian with a heart burning for God.

When I entered the university, I met a guy, his name was Derrick. I couldn’t believe my luck the first time I bumped into him on my way to class, he had such a kind smile and a tender look that weakened my knees when he spoke.
Because I was late for class we couldn’t talk much but barely three weeks later, I met him at the fresher’s night party and I was overwhelmed.

We got talking and I found out that he was in his second year and from that night, we became an inseparable pair.
At first, we were friends and as months passed by, we got closer and closer and the chemistry between us was undeniable.
About a year after I entered the university, Derrick and I started dating.

He was everything a girl could ever want and desire save the fact that he wasn’t so much of a Christian. Derrick had magical hands that made him hard to resist and most times I fell for it. At first, I felt bad but when I couldn’t help falling into the same pit I killed the guilt on my inside.

And then one day, one of my friends said I was getting fatter and that got me thinking and in the process I began to link the dots…first I had a vomiting spree every morning which I thought was due to a flu and then I had this morning sickness which I felt was due to stress and then my missing period…

oh no it can’t be possible I said to myself, I couldn’t be pregnant!!!

After a series of test outside school, I realized the deadliest truth, I was indeed pregnant. I was only nineteen, I still had a whole life ahead of me, what was I going to do. I couldn’t tell my parents, they wouldn’t hear of it. I had to go to Derrick to tell him what I had found out.
On telling him, I saw him fly into a temper I had never seen in my life. He was so hysterical, calling me all sorts of names and I didn’t even know when I started crying heart drenching tears of hurt and betrayal.

When he looked into my eyes he must have realized how scared and hurt I was and so he pulled me close and ran his hands through my hair until I had calmed down and then he said tome in the most subtle voice ever

why don’t you have an abortion”.

I pulled back instantly, I couldn’t have an abortion! But when he talked about my parents and the sanctioning of the school and the fellowship which I belonged to, I knew I had no other choice.

Derrick had made all the arrangements and so on the supposed day we went to the room- like clinic. I shivered all through my way there but Derrick kept telling me that it would be okay and that he was proud that I made such a brave decision.

When I entered into the room where the abortion was supposed to take place I laid down on the table trying to dissociate my mind from what I was about to do and then a young man told me sternly, ” you know I can’t perform this procedure with your underwear on” and then I began to pull it off.

As I did this a sense of guilt overwhelmed me,

first I had pulled off my underwear of pleasure and now I was pulling it off to get rid of the stigma the pleasure had brought…

what a shame, I felt so exposed.
All through the times that I felt instruments coming in and out of me, I kept thinking of the lady I had become and the hypocrite I had transformed into.

I let out a sigh, only if I can get through this I muttered… only if…and then I felt a sharp pain pierce through the whole of my body, I screamed but then the doctor told me to be quiet.

I felt another pain but this time I bit my lip and then the pain began to come in successions. I instinctively knew that something was wrong but I was too weak to talk or to move and then I heard the voices of Derrick and the doctor talking about the fact that I was bleeding excessively. The pain was so unbearable and I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker.

With the last strength in me, I pleaded with God
Oh Lord I’m so sorry for taking my under wears off, please forgive me.”

and I drifted into a world where the pain seemed less hurtful and the voices seemed more distant.

I could felt death Taking my soul into Hell.

ROM 12:1, Friends, our bodies are the temple of the Lord… Do not take off your underwear when the time is not right.

Lots of girls who gained admission into the university as virgins eventually lost it so cheaply to guys who have nothing to do with their destinies.

In a bid to get a certificate, they sold out a destiny that certificate cannot guarantee. Sex before marriage is a sin and let us learn to hate what God hates.

I have walked the road and l am warning you not to take that path but to follow the path of the Lord Jesus.

If You are going through this or felt to discuss Your pains in past or presence with Anyone, You can confide in @Olalekan WhatsApp/Call me 08066519426. No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

Fight it & Stop Giving Up

Sometimes God permits a storm to rise in your courtship/dating relationship, so that He can see how you are going to fight in your marriage.

Some battles are just marriage crises rehearsals.

Some quarrels are just peace keeping practice.

Some malice are only an exercise of your forgiveness habits.

Some hasty conclusions are God's way of saying "look, let Me see how you are going to talk about this. Let me see your ability listen."

He wants to see how you handle the little things that can break, so that He can trust you with bigger things that are unbreakable.

He wants to see how you respond when you have the option of walking away, so that He can entrust you with an inseparable covenant assignment.

Sometimes God will use the things, and the situations you hate the most, to teach you how to fight for the things you love the most.

The test might not even be meant to test your strength and tolerance with the one you are in relationship with, but to sharpen your habits for the marriage He is taking you Into. Keep Fighting to show yourself approved to God.

Get this right, if You can't fight to fit in then God Will never make that man/woman to be yours. 
Many step out of there greatness into there cradle, just because the greatness need some home work to be doné. Fight it & stop giving up, You could be close.

Glory to God for the one who needs this today.

Who exactly is to blame in Acrimony?

The question is: Who exactly is to blame in Acrimony? Melinda? Robert? Melinda's family?

The psychological thriller tells the story of
Melinda Moore, a faithful and hardworking wife who supports her husband, Robert, an engineer and dreamer pushing a launch of his invention. However, their marriage ends just before he hits it big with the rechargeable battery he spent decades inventing.

Just in case you haven't seen the movie, here are 10 things you should know before joining the conversation

1. Before their wedding, Melinda had caught Robert cheating on her with a random girl,
Diana Wells. Enraged, she drives her car into their trailer. The accident leads to a hysterectomy.

2. He apologizes and despite her sisters' objections, she forgives him and they get married. Years later, Melinda works to support them, as Robert being a felon, is unable to find work. Robert convinces Melinda to mortgage the house so he can build a new prototype for his battery.

3. 20 years later, Diana is back in the picture and is working for Prescott, an investor. So she arranges a meeting between Robert and Prescott.

4. Robert is offered $800,000 to sell his work, but he wants to license the technology to them instead, so the deal doesn't go through.

5. Meanwhile, Melinda's sisters tell her that Robert is cheating on her after they found Diana’s wallet in his truck. Back at home, Melinda is angry at him for 'cheating' and refusing to accept Prescott's offer. She wants a divorce.

6. After the divorce, she loses the house, moves in with her sister, and starts dating her ex-boyfriend, Devon. While Diana invites Robert, who is living in a shelter, to stay with her.

7. Prescott reconsiders and offers Robert a multimillion-dollar deal, while allowing him to keep intellectual ownership of his invention.

8. Robert pays Melinda a visit at work with flowers. He thanks her for her support, tells her they would never get back together, and to show gratitude, gives her $10 million dollars and buys her home back.

9. Melinda is angry and blames her family for leading her astray. When she goes to Robert’s new penthouse to seduce him, Diana walks in and introduces herself as Robert’s fiancé.

10.That was the beginning of Melinda's anger, hurt and obsession with the couple. At this point, her anger is legendary.

She does things like suing them, disfiguring their photos and destroying Diana's wedding gown. The couple file a counter suit against her for her threats and obtain restraining orders.

After several attempts to separate them and exact revenge, Melinda dies while trying to hit Robert with an ax during his honeymoon cruise.

The question is: Who exactly is to blame here? Melinda? Robert? Melinda's family?

Pls Kindly drop ur comments, views & objections. No Abusive words.

Recycle Atm Cash Machine

Germany now pay You €0.35 for every can or plastic bottle You recycle.
This one of the reasons there streets are so clean.

So Why can't we have this machine in Nigeria? Picking bottles & can is my hobbie oooo.

Need The Right One....

The devil's gimmicks can just be very enticing to a single believer. It's just the way he wraps a wrong thing in a nice fancy package.

That moment when you meet someone who is crazy about the kind of music you like. They know the lyrics to all the songs of One Direction and Coldplay and you're like "okay, this might be it. Me liking you already."

Then they start talking about New Edition and how much they love the song 'can you stand the rain'.
Excuse me am crushing on you sweetheart. Thank God I have finally found someone who is set apart from all this shaku shaku generation.

Then you find out they like Taylor swift, and one of their favourite song is 'stay with me' by Sam Smith, and the mother of them all they actually know Earth Wind and Fire talking about 'I can't find a reason' 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️ yè!!! Then they go "do you know the O'jays?" And you are like "are you kidding me?"

My favourite song from the O'jays is 'last night me and my woman cried together'. Oh my God! How about 'you've given me a reason to love' by Maze feat Frankie Beverly?

At this point you know you are completely won over, but because you are a believer you try asking spiritual questions, but this time they are just for formality, you are careful not to spoil the mood by going too spiritual of them, so instead of asking deep things you start asking surface questions like
"What church do you go to?
Who is your pastor? Are you a church worker? You are scared they might say the wrong thing and show you a red flag, something you're not ready to see right now, let's just keep going first, cos if you miss this one you will have to go through a thousand shaku shaku to find another one that knows about Imagine Dragons and 3 Doors Down.

Hurts so much to finally find someone who shares your passion and likes the kind of things you like, only to let them go because they have no evidence of Christ in them, not even in sprinkled deposits. The 'step out of the line' kind of person, that perfect weirdo partner you thought never existed, just as crazy as you.

But deep down, deep down in your heart you know stepping in will be a wrong ship for you. Even when you try to fight it, even when you try to trick your spirit by staying friends, hoping they would change. Even when you try to encourage them to chase God as a friend, and it turns out like you are forcing a horse to the stream, you know you have to let go and keep trusting God for the ONE.

Pals, one of the hardest things to do as a single person is having to say no to all the wrong ones that looks good for you, while trusting God for the right person to come.

They just have to be RIGHT for me, they just have to be, because am not standing on the LEFT

Guard Your Value

A popular speaker started off a seminar by holding up a $20 bill. A crowd of 200 had gathered to hear him speak. He asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?”
200 hands went up.

He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this.” He crumpled the bill up.
He then asked, “Who still wants it?”
All 200 hands were still raised.
“Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?” Then he dropped the bill on the ground and stomped on it with his shoes.
He picked it up, and showed it to the crowd. The bill was all crumpled and dirty.
“Now who still wants it?”
All the hands still went up.
“My friends, I have just showed you a very important lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, life crumples us and grinds us into the dirt. We make bad decisions or deal with poor circumstances. We feel worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.

You are special – Don’t ever forget it!

Denzel Washington

Here are some timeless lessons from Denzel Washington’s speech.

1. Believe in Your Gift
“True desire in your heart, for anything good, is God’s proof to you, sent beforehand, that it’s yours already.”
We all have dreams. But at some point in life, we compromise. We take jobs we hate to have a certain social status. We stop believing in our dreams. We settle.
Denzel Washington says that your dream is already yours. You just have to work for it. Whether you call it God, energy or anything else. It keeps tugging us inside. This is God’s way of showing you the right direction.
Believe. This is the most important lesson from Denzel Washington’s speech.

2. Goals Matter
“You have these dreams. Dreams without goals remain dreams and fuel disappointment.”
Goals serve as an anchor to your dreams. If you reach one goal at a time, you can create breakthrough change. That’s why it is important to have daily, monthly and yearly goals. Goals help you make decisions too. Whenever you have to make choices, you can choose the one which is more aligned with your goals.
As Denzel Washington says, “dreams without goals are just dreams.”

3. Need for discipline
“The gap between goals and achievement is taken by discipline and consistency.”
Goals can only be achieved by discipline and consistency. You need to respect your dreams enough to have discipline. The hardest workers work 100+ hour work weeks. Because they love what they do.
But I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. Discipline comes easy when you love what you do. When you surrender to the pull inside you , rather than pushing hard to achieve what you don’t want inside.
You need to control your mind to realize what lies in your heart.

4. Make a difference
“We all have that unique gift, to touch people, to affect people. Understand that gift.”

Denzel says that we all can change each other’s lives in some way or the other. Even the garbage man is changing your surroundings to make them habitable.
Listen to the voice that speaks to you. What does it say? How can you change people for the better? Are you a tech wizard who can make useful apps? Are you a music lover who can melt hearts with his words? Are you a painter who creates jaw-dropping art? Who are you really?
Figure it out. Talk to that voice every single day. Write what you hear in your journal. And I promise you, you will know the greatness within you.

5. Don’t chase money
“I have made hundreds of dollars in my life. And I can’t take it with me. It’s not what you have. But what you do with what you have.”

Denzel shows how lame greed is. You can not take money to your grave.

In his commencement speech at Dillard University, Denzel said, “You’ll never see a U-haul behind a hearse. The Egyptians tried it. It didn’t work.”
So don’t just live for money. Live for something greater than yourself. For that will determine not only how you live, but also how you die. And nobody wants to die with regret in their heart.

So what did you learn from Denzel Washington’s speech? Share with us in the comments.

Martha Ankomah

Ghanaian actress, Martha Ankomah who is famous for her elegant personality, and topmost decent celebrity which Ghanaians always talk about was spotted in an interview.

The conversation surfaced about how she still looks special when it comes to her fashion style, and her decent way of dressing and how simple she looked always. Martha got a very simple answer to that, which she said, she does it from within her and what God has purposed for her. She continued saying, she chose to be simple and natural always.

Martha Ankomah is a Ghanaian actress who has appeared in several movies and has gained public attention for playing explicit roles in Movies such as King’s Cult, Sugar Town, etc.

The award-winning actress, Martha Ankomah has never disappointed her fans with her fashion choices, and her fans really love and like what she does always. She is one of the actresses that really looks unique in her own style when it comes to a decency. If it comes to choosing a role model to follow in Ghana, you can’t leave her out.

She has also Set Her Own Foundation – ‘MARTHA ANKOMAH FOUNDATION’ that is to Educate Society and Children Especially the Girl-Child.

Will like to urges young actress to look up to her as a role model which will really empower them to go as far as Martha has.

My Best Sex So Far....

I can say that was the best sex I have ever had.

We did everything in foreplay and the actual sex was not in this realm. Waves of orgasm swept over her body and my very self felt highly satisfied. As I stood up from her and was putting on my boxer, something strange happened that has never happened in all my sexual adventure.

Right there in the room, like in a trance, I saw an image like my self walked out of my body. I was so scared as the image bowed his head and was walking backward to the door. I screamed, I shouted, I was shivering seriously.
My girlfriend stood up and was
asking me what is wrong with me. She shouted that I should keep quiet, but, No! I kept shouting as I saw like myself walking away from me.

To my surprise, I kept on telling my girl friend to look at this image and she said, she could not see anything. I became terrified. It was like I was in the oven, at the same time, it was as if I was in a cold room.

I watched the image walked backward to the door & when it got to the door, it turned to go out of the door, as I watched the back of this image, I saw an inscription written on it ' EXCELLENT SPIRIT'.

I screamed and shouted because, though I am not a serious Christian, but I know what it means to have an excellent spirit and to lose it. I have been leading the whole department in my school. Lecturers consult me privately to explain some hard topics. I was a genius. It is this brilliance and handsomeness that made me the desire of most ladies on campus.

While I was crying and weeping bitterly, my girlfriend busted into serious laughter.

I was asking her why the laughter, and she said, have been trying to achieve this for some while, you are Number 5. I will get the remaining 5 to make 10. I asked her to explain what she meant, she just laughed harder. She carried her bag and walked out of my room and said, 'enjoy your shadow'.

Till today, I can't trace this lady. I have tried looking for her, I can't find her. Right from that day, I knew I became empty.

I have the best result in my department, but no destiny results to show for it sir. I lost something that day, I knew I lost it. I have been praying and asking the Lord for restoration. Atimes, I feel like I am so empty. I wished that sex never happened or never happened between me and that lady. I lost excellent spirit!

This was a confession of a guy to me some years ago.

He wept bitterly in my office. I could not comfort him. He graduated as the
best student in his department but if you see him at that time, you will never believe he went to school.

Dear precious one, there is something deep about sex! I know some will read this and scorn it.

You only know yourself, you don't know 2 out of 10 about the person you want to have that sex with. Are there no thousands of people who have lost their
own ' excellent spirit' too just because of 10 mins sexual pleasure.

Flee fornication! Flee adultery!. One round of sex is enough to round off your glorious destiny. Enjoy sex with your spouse only!

Singles, wait! You won't die. Wait. Before you remove your pant for that guy /lady to commit fornication, think! Rule your desire or ruin your destiny. He Saïd to me things i easily do in thé past, are now very very difficult for me to do.

Why Most You press on till You fall victim before learning Your lesson!!!

A bruced skin Will never look like Your natural skin.

I am warned! You are warned!


My Sunday Visit To The Prison Yard.

A close friend of mine was jailed for money laundering by the state court of law.

we've been searching
for her,for the past 6months before we get an information that she's sentence to 14yrs imprisonment .
we visit the prison & demand to see my beloved friend,they search for her name on there list & discover
her present including the prison number. but when they brought her it was not lydia,so they brought another
lady & it was still the wrong person.

so they open the gates for us to enter & check ourselves since there's a disorder in there listing.
after checking 21 prison rooms filled with ladies,we found lydia & she was so happy in tears that we
searched for her & gave her more hope to be free again.

we were are happy embracing each other & thanking God for the grace. the warders order us to step out
of the prison corridor,to the visitors room.so we can discuss better with lydia how everything really happen

As we were discussing with lydia,i was never convinient with myself & my mind is some where else,
out of my uncormfortable i whisper to my to one of my friend ear.so we both step out & left the rest geasting
with lydia.

i explain to nifemi my worries,there's this beautiful woman inside the same prison with lydia. she was
busy using the food given to her to draw on the floor.
so i told nifemi,i looked into at her drawing very well & i can identify it as a baby in pains. so i wish to hear
from this woman,luckily for me she was also interested in the woman,since we can use her influence
as a press woman.

so we approach the warders & seek some minutes to talk with the woman.
this woman was fully depressed & was'nt herself,she had cried & no more tears to drop from her eye balls.
she said her name was Ruth Marcus,let us go to her story,so painful. i can't explain the speed of tears on my eye ball,it was non stop.

I was in courtship with my dearest husband for 7yrs,he loved me so much
and i love him also,he hardly do without me.so many people said our love
will fade after marriage,but it was not.

kolade marcus resign is job bcos
of me,he was transfer to abuja from lagos with promotion as a general manager.
i can't go with him bcos am also a career lady & have so much establish it in
lagos state,kolade understand me & seek other option from his boss or resign.

few months later he got another job & i was pregnant of my first baby,after 13months of marriage.
things were going on fine between us,am the apple of my inlaws so i
never had problem with them at all. i was getting closer to my delivery
period,so i was noticing some changes in kolade,like coming home late,hardly
have time for me.since he was not the kind of man that i know,i ask him
& he told me that his just for a while,due to his new job terms.

i never doubt him bcos i trust him & deeply believe in him,few weeks to my
delivery,he took me on a ride for a surprise package.

i was so happy to see our personal home,he just bought this fully
furnished duplex. i ask him how he got the money to purchase the property?
he said he got a contract outside his company & was executing it,all those
period he come's home late.i was so happy & still went ahead believing
i gave birth to my baby in a brand new house & that load me with joy.
on the 2nd of february 2012,i gave birth to my baby girl.that day was on
thursday,we did the naming ceremony & my baby was doing fine
including the family.few months later romours stat spreading all over me
that my husband is cheating on me,but non of them can clearly proof it or
identify the lady my husband was going out with,so i refuse to ask my
husband or put it on my mind.i don't want to break my peaceful home,
with romours all around me.april 22nd my baby health went disorder,if she's
hot in the morining she will be cold all night.so we took her to the hospital
& several test was done on her,we were given some drugs to use for her
untill the test is out.on the 3rd day another source was telling me that my
husband is cheating on me & i need to take fast action to avoid future harm,
that night i could'nt hide it so i ask him what is he doing wrong behind me?

I don't have proof,so i can't shout on him,so i spoke with him moderately
& he totally proof me wrong as he remind me how strong his love towards me.
that weekend i visit the hospital,to receive the test done on my baby.
3 different test was done,the first & second test was all about my baby
changes in growth.

but the doctor refuse to show me the last result,he said
he will only give it to my husband. i call him,but he can't even make it
that day,so i insist to collect the result & can't wait till my husband
visit the hospital.it turns out to be noise,nursing staffs & patients
present in the hospital start appealing to me to calm down & take heed to
the doctor instructions.
i left the hospital with my baby confused,i explain everything to my husband
& he promise to visit the hospital the following day after work.

my husband came back from work that day & showed me the doctor report &
it says my baby had some cancer symptoms & need emergency action including me the mother.

i called the doctor's mobile number phone & express my anger
to him,i told him since i have a friend that specialise on this disease,i
will rather take my baby there & he should'nt expect us. but my husband
won't allow me to take my baby to where i want & the doctor also won't allow
me to rest,i should suspect something but i was a fool & dead bird lover.
few weeks later my baby temperature seriously gone high & i couldn't bear
it anymore,so with all force i took my baby to my friends hospital.
she also run some test on my baby,later that evening she showed me the
blood result & i fainted after reading it. my baby was HIV positive,so where did she got it?
If it was not through my me the mother.i was tested & also confirm HIV
positive,now i know the reason why the doctor refused to show me the result
& it all proof that the result my husband showed me was fake,thats why
he never want me to visit my friend hospital.
my dearest husband did all in his possible best to apologise to me & confessed
all he did behind me.they were terrible things that ears most not be listening
to,i accept his apology but warn him that my baby most not die.
may 30th 2012,my baby died & i remember inside of me that i never forgive my husband.
he was infected with the virus & pass it to me through sex & my baby was
never HIV positive during birth.
few days later i encourage myself & choose to be bold.i don't believe it
was the devil that pushed me to it at all,because have been a good child
of God reading my bible & praying fervently.i tryed all in my possible
best to secure my marriage & make it a peaceful home.
i poisoined the food i & my husband want to eat together,since we have
no reason to be alive anymore,we are both HIV positive & it seems our
death passport is already in our hands,only waiting for the flight as
it was giving to my innocent baby.
after eating that night,kolade storm & scream to death. i don't even try
to rescue him,bcos i believe my own time is coming and no body will rescue
me. so let us both die in pains,but it surprise me till date. nothing had
happen to me & we both ate from the same plate.


No,not at all he's my dearest & proof to be faithful. just that,he was into
"HOMOSEXUAL" sleeping with men like him & that was where he got the money
to purchase the house & other properties including the HIV gift.



My Final Year Series 2

No, you have to come down & maintain patients with your health status.

listen to me,Ben is fine but you can't see him now bcos he's relaxing & you
also still need more rest.
later that night,i was allow to see ben in his ward. immediately i open
the door & see him seating on the bed,i rush to hug him. but i felt two
things wrong with him,he never make any act to hug me back until i do.

he was just on the bed & later smile boldly,as in the smile got no meaning.
i felt confuse bcos this is not how my ben act,so i ask the doctor behind
me to tell me what is wrong with my fiancee? so many things start runing
on my memory,his he mentally disorder,paralysed. out of confusion i screamed and shout on the doctor,i need answers...
the doctor later told me to seat down,which i did.known of those things
you mentioned is affecting him,but if any of them will happen to him.that
will come through you vivian,gently i ask why?
the last thing that ben saw was the accident of that day,what are you trying
to say sir? ben is temporarily blind,i mean can't see anything but is temporarily.

this should'nt happen to me doctor,with tears runinig freely on my face. i
touch is face,hold is head tight,kissed him & ask him if he can see my weeping?
ben reply me no. then i truely believe it that when your eyes balls are
shut down,the brain function is limited. doctor anything to help me,not
ben now,bcos am already blind also & sir he's my first love,i have never
blame my self falling in love with him. i mean no one will love back,bcos
am blind to doctor!!!!!!!
take it easy my dear,you don't need the tears at all.we've run some tests &
the result here showed that,he splashed his head on a stone sand,to save
your waist from spinal chord loose.
i could'nt control my tears & pains on that day,but i hold ben's head and
speak words of faith & confidence to him. i knelt down beside, him benjamin,

i vivian will never leave you & i will always be with you forever,in this
pain and for our brighter future.please doctor do me one favor,keep the
sight disorder duration period away from me,bcos i don't want to focus on
that duration period. but unto my heavenly father,as you can see we've just graduate
together & we are getting married soon......PRESENTLY THEY ARE MARRIED

Kindly drop your comments....

My Final Year Series 1

I was so shocked & in a rush after jotting the hospital address.

but jessy did something that i hate on that day,she stood up & lock the door.why do you lock the door?
my boyfriend had an accident & you are locking the door,young flower in the
garden take it easy,some body just called you & you are in rush to the point.

with this address i heard you jotting down,there's no hospital located in that
area,is new site under development 70% of the buildings there are uncompleted
building.how sure are you? because this my 4th year in this campus & within
this commuinity.why don't you take heed to jessy advice vivian,since she
knew much about this area than both of us.i quiet understand how you feel,
lets try to call ben & confirm it at least somebody will pick the call.

i felt so angry but i had patient to borrow bukky advice,hello ben where are
you? two doors to room 007.you mean my hostel(DROP CALL)ben its at the door
,i felt abnormal when ben enter my room,not even a hug just quiet.
why is she like this jessy? any hurricane between you girls before i arrive?
almost a serious hurricane infact a stormy type,thank God for jessy actions
we should all be in a marrathon raise now. what do you mean by that? enough of all this
poetry speech.she shoukd be in the hands of some rapist or kidnappers,God forbid.
after all the research we did on that day,we discover that the lady thart call
me was mattew new girl friend & both fred,mattew & the girl left hostel
earlier before ben left hostel.

i don't know what ben room mates want from me? what a demonic friends. it was tough
& hell moments in the campus,but this is my saddness & confuse story.our
love is waxing stronger every semester,3months to our final year exams
i traveled home,on my way coming i branch to ben house & get some things from
his parents,bcos both of us parents & family are much aware of our relationship.
on my way,the bus i took got stalk in this long traffic.

some minutes later,ben called me to confirm my movement,so i told him am stalk
in traffic but won't mind if he can wait for me at the bus stop,bcos of the loads.
few minutes later we alight at the bus stop & some one just grip the bag behind me,
so scared but it was ben.at that time,it was few minutes past 8pm. we waited
for a taxi,but could'nt get one so we decided to take a bike. few minutes later
on this high way speed the bike ran into a big pot hole & thats all i
could remember. suddenly i woke up in the hospital & find all sort of pipes
& engines operating on me,so i was confused & shouting where is ben?
from no where this nurse came around & was peting me to relax,bcos that day
was my fourth day in the hospital after the terrible bike accident.immediately
i heard that,i eagerly ask the nurse,we are two on the bike.how is ben &
the bike man conditions?
but the nurse went silent,not even saying a single word....
she later say something,young lady come down the bike man died yesterday
morining.don't tell me that my ben died this morining too.....

Story Continues Series 2::::::

My First Date........

One mistake we make when we are just getting to know someone is telling them all about our business, its so wrong.

You know that moment when you're out with a crush and you get talking about your dreams, visions and goals with the intention of getting to know each other better, be careful not to give out Information that should be personal to you alone.

Sometimes we open up too much and tell the other person about all the things we are looking out for in our ideal mate, giving the person the opportunity to mislead us by trying to fit into the qualities of the person we have told them we are looking out for, even when they are not, much to our own disavantage, because Pepsi and shawarmma in a restaurant with A.C will not allow us keep our big mouth shut. We just start talking and talking until we expose all the qualities we are looking for in a partner, and they start play acting.

Let me ask you a question, what is the need of an assessment if the candidate already has the answers to all the questions?

What else do you want to assess if the bro or sis already knows what your taste and speck is? They already have your marking scheme, and the funny thing is you gave it to them in the name of getting to know each other.

If he already knows you are crazy about a brother that takes church seriously, any time you call he will say he is in church, or he just left prayer meeting or that he is escorting his pastor to a missionary journey. Its easy for him to say because he already knows the kind of things you want to hear. You handed him the marking scheme, he didn't even have to work for It, just one bottle of coke and he got to know you even more than he got to tell you about himself. Can you now see why relationships don't last? Because people start pretending to be what and who you have told them you're looking out for, and it doesn't do you any favour at all.

Learn to talk less when you're out on a date with a potential someone, learn to keep your mouth shut.

He doesn't like being in a relationship without sex, but because you told him you don't date guys who want to have sex before marriage he will tell you since he was born he has never liked sex too, just to get you impressed. Then three months after his endurance he will start touching you and demanding for sex, leaving you wondering why he changed. Yes he changed, he changed into something you want him to be in other to win your heart, now he is changing back Into his original self.

I am talking to both sexes here, not the men alone. Have some sense guys, learn to walk in wisdom. She knows you don't like demanding women so she plays along, three months later you start hearing "my hair is due".

Walk in wisdom. Know what to say. And in case you're asking what to discus on the first few 'getting to know you' dates I will leave some tips.

Talk about the petty things that you can discuss with anyone: names, pet names, favourite things, hobbies, books, music, movies, mentors, and other mushy things that doesn't entails giving up private information...

Talk about future things: who you want to be. What you're working towards, goals, vision in life, and other very important things that DEFINES your values as a person.

It is important that they know you're not the type that wants to hang around a drawback or one that wants to get stuff in a bottleneck relationship.

Talk about your faith: go spiritual on them. You don't even need to spell it out to a person that you are a believer and you walk in the Spirit before they get it.

I call this the switch-system; here is when you switch from a nice maybe romantic or somehow carnal discussion to one spiritual matter that does not concern the present topic of discussion.

For instance, if you're talking about your favourite movies and he's describing his love for titanic, how Jack died to save Rose , just interrupt and ask him what he thinks about the movie War Room! switch quickly! The question does not concern Titanic but it takes his attention back to the fact you are not soo comfy about the physical.

So Talk about faith, let the person understand clearly what you stand for.

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