
Boredom in Marriage.....

Some months ago a friend of mine came to me troubled about his relationship. He wanted to propose to a lady he has been dating for more than a year but he was a bit concern about the fact that she doesn't have a lot of swagger, not as much as he would love his woman to have.

That night he said to me;

Maria only goes to work in the morning, church in the evening, then heads back home. That is her daily routine.

She doesn't wear trousers, only long skirts and blouse every day. She ties her hair all the time , and never looks interested in hanging out or honouring party invitations we get invited to.

Her favourite spot is her church headquarters, she loves attending conventions more than anything in the world. I mean she has a boring social life. Each time I try to light her up she just prefers to stay in and mind her business.

I laughed my heart out that night at the eatery because I could totally relate to how frustrating that can be.

It's been three months after their beautiful wedding. And guess what?

Today his wife Maria makes all the restaurant reservations, buys them movie tickets and take him out for some karaoke, with her own money. She orders him pizza and smoothie at work. He said one time he got out of the office to find her waiting outside with an Uber to drive him home. And oh yea! she now wears not only jeans trousers, but leggings, pantyhose and bumbshots around the house as well. Last time he called to say he never saw it coming, how a calm-churchy single lady can turn out to be a wife with so much swagger, much more than he could ever bargain for.

Some aunties are just like that. Like Maria. Cover their hair all the time, all dressed in long long gowns anytime you see them. Will take a miracle to get them to attend a party, no trousers, some of them no makeup, their daily routine is just work-church-home-kitchen-sleep. Judging from how they are you would think marrying them will land you in a lifetime of boredom. But naaa, you have no idea how much swagger they are covering inside, just waiting for the right moment and the right man to come in and roll away the stone and unleash the excitement they have been saving up.

Dear uncle, please do not hold back if you're dating to marry one of these warm and reserved aunties. That was exactly what I told my friend that night. Don't let that push you away. Some are just waiting TO DO in marriage, with the right man. Be patient enough to stay and enjoy all she's been saving up for you. And such woman when they unleash, hmmmm, it will be more than you can handle.

Some aunties are just not ready to give permanent husband benefits to temporary boyfriends.

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