

When the relationship is not working out, but you love them too much to let go, you keep encouraging yourself to stay and fight to make things work, believing they're doing the same for the relationship too, only to realize at the point where you are almost loosing yourself that the other person already let go while you were still holding on fighting. It hurts so much.

But why do people do that? They just stay silent and lead you on when they know they are no longer interested in the relationship. When things get boring for you, when you have lost every atom of love you have for that person, why is it difficult to just let them know? Why?

You know they are fighting to save what's left of the relationship, but you just sit there watching them give all they can to save what is already lost. You see them trying to win your affection. You see them calling, and texting, doing all they can to save the relationship from dying, but you are standing back, letting them fight alone, because you already left the ring a long time ago.

That is just wickedness.

Worse part is that you have moved on, having fun hooking up with other people, while your partner is just there, counting on you, believing in you, hoping everyday that things will go back to the way it used to be. It's wickedness.

A relationship I gave my all, thank God I hold back on my dearie Mom words! Never surrender totally to a woman, you are yet to call your wife. It helps on the day of sudden relationship adversity.
She left the relationship 5months ago & never declare it, so heartless. Only to be seeing you missing in the plan.

I know that sometimes it's difficult to let it out. Most times it's hard to open up to your partner about your feelings because you don't want people to talk about how you broke a heart, or because you are not sure how your partner will take the news. But hey, they deserve to know the truth that hurts, not the lie that deceives. Stop putting up some annoying atitude in an attempt to get your partner tired of the relationship. We do this alot, we just withdraw and wait for the other person to start talking about "the relationship is not working, let's take a break." When you know you stoped working on the relationship a long time ago.

Wickedness is not a fruit of the Spirit. If you have already let go in your heart, don't leave them hanging on to nothing, your partner deserves to do the same.

It leaves Most people with Heart of Hatred, never to trust anymore.

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