
My Final Year Series 1

I was so shocked & in a rush after jotting the hospital address.

but jessy did something that i hate on that day,she stood up & lock the door.why do you lock the door?
my boyfriend had an accident & you are locking the door,young flower in the
garden take it easy,some body just called you & you are in rush to the point.

with this address i heard you jotting down,there's no hospital located in that
area,is new site under development 70% of the buildings there are uncompleted
building.how sure are you? because this my 4th year in this campus & within
this commuinity.why don't you take heed to jessy advice vivian,since she
knew much about this area than both of us.i quiet understand how you feel,
lets try to call ben & confirm it at least somebody will pick the call.

i felt so angry but i had patient to borrow bukky advice,hello ben where are
you? two doors to room 007.you mean my hostel(DROP CALL)ben its at the door
,i felt abnormal when ben enter my room,not even a hug just quiet.
why is she like this jessy? any hurricane between you girls before i arrive?
almost a serious hurricane infact a stormy type,thank God for jessy actions
we should all be in a marrathon raise now. what do you mean by that? enough of all this
poetry speech.she shoukd be in the hands of some rapist or kidnappers,God forbid.
after all the research we did on that day,we discover that the lady thart call
me was mattew new girl friend & both fred,mattew & the girl left hostel
earlier before ben left hostel.

i don't know what ben room mates want from me? what a demonic friends. it was tough
& hell moments in the campus,but this is my saddness & confuse story.our
love is waxing stronger every semester,3months to our final year exams
i traveled home,on my way coming i branch to ben house & get some things from
his parents,bcos both of us parents & family are much aware of our relationship.
on my way,the bus i took got stalk in this long traffic.

some minutes later,ben called me to confirm my movement,so i told him am stalk
in traffic but won't mind if he can wait for me at the bus stop,bcos of the loads.
few minutes later we alight at the bus stop & some one just grip the bag behind me,
so scared but it was ben.at that time,it was few minutes past 8pm. we waited
for a taxi,but could'nt get one so we decided to take a bike. few minutes later
on this high way speed the bike ran into a big pot hole & thats all i
could remember. suddenly i woke up in the hospital & find all sort of pipes
& engines operating on me,so i was confused & shouting where is ben?
from no where this nurse came around & was peting me to relax,bcos that day
was my fourth day in the hospital after the terrible bike accident.immediately
i heard that,i eagerly ask the nurse,we are two on the bike.how is ben &
the bike man conditions?
but the nurse went silent,not even saying a single word....
she later say something,young lady come down the bike man died yesterday
morining.don't tell me that my ben died this morining too.....

Story Continues Series 2::::::

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