
Why Localize???

Quickly, please get in here dear uncles who are Godly husbands in the making.

I believe it's time we learn this simple love hack, it's so sad to see married couples stressing out their marriages everyday trying to deal with their partner the hard way when they can apply a little bit of wisdom to get results. Heaven wants no more stressed out marriages, I need you to start practicing this in your relationship like right now and get used to it...

If you want your partner to change something you do not like about her; I'm talking about physical things like the way she dresses so chaff, or the outdated grandma hair styles she loves to carry, or her terrible taste in shoes, or her untrendy choice of handbags, or that flashy wristwatch she wears without batteries etc...
The best way you can get a woman to change her style is not to vocalize it by complaining about it every now and then, the best way to get her to change her style is to ACT it.

Don't complain about it. Don't nag. Don't say "everytime you are always wearing this ugly shoes, I don't like it, don't you have another one?" if you don't like the shoes she's always wearing, get her a new one and replace it. It's the easier way.

Don't localize, ACT. You noticed she's been wearing a wristwatch that isn't working? Instead of complaining about it how about you ask if you can take it to someone who can fix it, or get her a new one?

The replacement method works better. Make suggestions, say;

"Sweetheart, can I get you a new handbag so that you can stop carrying this old one?"

If you don't like her hairstyles, browse some very nice hairstyles and send to her, suggesting she tries one the next time she goes to the salon. If you can, offer to pay for it.

And this applies to aunties too. Most men have favourite things. A brother can wear a pair of shoes the whole year, not like he cannot afford a new one, we just have this thing sometimes, if we don't wear it to the point of no return we won't get a new one.
Don't nag at him to change his shoes, ACT it. Get him a new pair, offer to chip in for a new one. A new pair from you is always different from all the new pairs he has at home, its special, he will wear it.

Localizing too much makes your partner insecure. They'll start feeling uncomfortable around you. If you keep complaining about her makeup she'll never be herself wearing lipstick around you.
If you keep complaining about her shoes she will begin to feel she's not good enough for you, and that is a level of insecurity you do not want in your relationship.

Learn to act it. Vocalize in your heart, save up and replace.

The best part about this is that when your partner starts getting a hint of the kind of things you like from the stuff you get for her, she'll start living up to it, buying things for herself that suits your style.


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