
Spirikoko in Marriage Things

And this is where we get it wrong as believers most of the time when we get a confirmation from God on who to marry;

Most Christian men are just boring chasers. Very boring when it comes to chasing and wooing a woman God has revealed as their spouse.

Some have very bad manners of approach and they think it's spiritually romantic.

A brother will approach a sister and be like;

"Hello, My name is Senior Evangelist most Reverend Deacon Nnambi and God told me in a dream that you are my wife."

"Hello sister Agatha, I embarked on a 21days fast and your face appeared to me in a vision that you are my wife."

"Sister Chioma, everytime I speak in tongues I find myself calling your name repeatedly like Chioooomarekete lakuria skindodo gagumi lettuce, and I believe you are my wife."

They are just too confident in the conviction they got from the Lord, forgetting that a woman will always be a woman, wether she swallowed the Bible or eats bread with annointing oil, every woman's heart needs to be melted in the language she can understand, God made it that way.

And most times even when the lady accepts the relationship, the man feels he has arrived at the destination that God sent him, so no need to chase her anymore. The next plan is how to enroll for marriage counselling and marry within six months. Only to start living like two complete strangers three months into marriage.

Understand this truth uncle;

That God told you that you have won the race is the more reason why you should run and enjoy the race because you are confident of victory, NOT for you to step out of the line.

Sometimes God's YES is not always the beginning and the end of a confirmation. Most times His YES is the beginning of many YESES to follow!!!

Yes she is the one...
Yes be good friends with her...
Yes build up her lacking values...
Yes encourage her chastity...
Yes take her out and spoil her a little...
Yes bring her lunch at work next Friday...
Yes pick her up after work today...
Yes get to know and like her hobbies...
Yes study your differences...
Yes she has annoyed you again but forgive her.
Yes her parents might be stubborn but love and follow them with wisdom...
Yes change her old makeup kit...
Yes tell her she looks beautiful on daily bases...

... 35 years later in marriage;
Yes she's too tired to cook today please manage gala and Pepsi and hold your peace.
Yes her boobs are falling down like the London bridge but let your love for her rise like the sun.
Yes! Yes! Yes!

HIS yes is not always the final destination, it is the start of the beautiful journey. Knowing that God has delivered you to each other should make you enjoy fulfilling these yeses!

Is anyone getting this amazing stuff?

So what is the rush with all the THOU SAID THE LORD if the Lord has already said? I mean, when the vision was yet to come you were praying and waiting on the Lord in a rush, now that the vision has come you are still rushing to propose, and after you marry you will still be rushing to divorce when you start living like strangers.

Every woman is a little girl at heart. Enjoy every stage of your YESES. Woo that prayer warrior like she is a cheerleader. Woo that choir director and Bible study coordinator like she was Cinderella in a movie. Stop going to threaten somebodys daugther with 'thou said the Lord.'

Uncle Alison.

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