

Dear Sir/Ma,

I have been saved and walking with the Lord for about three years now. Last year, I was blessed with the opportunity to begin my career in another state. There was a man at my church home who I was attracted to; however he never approached me or expressed interest in me.

Because I was leaving, I decided to pursue a casual sexual relationship with him. I knew this was outside of God’s will and I struggled with it for sometime. I prayed and asked God to cover me, then I sent him my number on Facebook.
He contacted me later that evening and expressed that he had been admiring me for quite some time.

He said he had been praying, asking God for a relationship with me and that he was only interested in pursuing a Godly relationship with me. I was amazed, God had answered my prayer! The only problem…he did not have a job; in fact, he was homeless. Given the amazing circumstances, I overlooked that and was open to a friendship with him.

Almost a year later, he is my best friend, even though we are miles apart. For the most part, he is everything I want in a husband and we are discussing marriage .

The only hang-up for me is his financial/living situation has not changed. He is pursuing a career in ministry but when I try to get an understanding of his goals and plans he gets defensive. He says his goal is to work in ministry and God will provide a job when the time is right.

He says a job is not important to him, but serving God is. I can see his dedication in studying and learning the Word but I still wonder, am I wasting my time? How can I get a better understanding of his goals/plans without him getting defensive? Or has he already told me what I need to know? Should I Marry a God-fearing Man Who Is Financially Unstable?

Lost in Love

1 comment:

  1. It all depends on you, if your heart is at peace with him. You can go on and make sure you support his ministry & I guess you should be working.


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