

Feelings of
emptiness—a lack of meaning or purpose—are experienced by most people at some point in life. However, chronic feelings of emptiness, feelings of emotional numbness or despair, and similar experiences may be symptomatic of other mental health concerns, such as depression, anhedonia, or schizophrenia. Emptiness can also be experienced as an aspect of bereavement following the death of a loved one. An individual who experiences consistent and severe feelings of emptiness may find it helpful to speak to a therapist, especially when it becomes difficult to focus on other aspects of life.

In this crazy commercial world we live in, there is a lot of pressure. The pressure to make a certain amount of money, to keep up with certain appearances..
When deep down, we are miserable and empty..
I’ve felt this same feeling and so I write this with an open heart, letting you know it can EASILY improve. But in order to improve you must focus on the problem.

The problem is you. You are missing something! A hobby, a project, a passion..
Our problem lies in filling this gap with someone or something else.
Think back to a time when we were just happy. Maybe it was with a partner, maybe it was alone, maybe it was with family or with a sports team.
There was once a time in your life when you were fulfilled! When you had drive, energy and passion in all areas of your life, because you had SOMETHING.
ONE or TWO things that kept the fire alive in you.
People find passion in team sports.
They find passion in hobbies, like sailing, tennis, knitting, painting, writing, swimming, surfing or playing games with their kids.
You may be doing it now, but have lost your edge. And the reason is, you no longer see the meaning in what you do. You no longer appreciate the time that you spend with your kids. We forget that quality is always better than quantity.
You may not have the time or the energy to keep up this fake smile on your face, to keep up with a hobby, a sport, a passion.
And when people tell me about lack of time. I ask them one thing. If someone important to you came to the airport tomorrow, your parents, your best friend, someone close (and I mean someone that you REALLY care about), who you haven’t seen in years came tomorrow, and asked to be picked up. In a busy day, could you MAKE TIME for them. Even if only an hour or two, WOULD YOU MAKE TIME FOR THEM?
Of course you would!
So what if you realised, that without your passion, your hobby in your life. You will feel empty! What if realising that without MAKING TIME for these things, the rest of your day seems miserable. Always looking for different ways to find fulfilment..
What if you started to focus on the problem. Seriously focus on the problem. Accept it is a problem and then make time to fix it.
@OlalekanAde's blog

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