

Why did i always find myself into mess all the time? i warned Olajide that we should always use condom, but the condom we use last almost sell me to hell, cost me 15k to treat myself at the clinic. But am i doing the right thing presently, all this drugs just to wash a baby away. is better i kill it now that is still inside of me undeveloped, cause when is physical to people and i kill it, they will call me a murderer. But am SCARED, FATHER HAVE MERCY ON ME!!! This pregnancy is a disgrace to me, it will ruin my career like aunty Bimbo. ---------- FEW MONTHS LATER ------------ Miss Clara: what a beautiful baby, what gender is it? Nurse: a baby boy Miss Clara: brave boy, you cry too much. where is the mother? Nurse: That's she lying on the blue bed. Miss Clara: hello baby mama, congrat on your baby, seems to be your first time (she noded,Yes). i love your baby so much and i have an opinion to you, i don't know if your husband will allow or if you are still schooling, you can be allow to relocate? Omolara: to where ma? Miss Clara: U.K, just for the baby, i think he derserve a better enviroment that it present environment. Omolara: (stood up on bed), am ready if you are ready ma. the baby got no father, he paid me to abort this child, but i kept it bcos am scared of loosing my life. Miss Clara: in that case, i will need some of your information so i can process a passport for you and the baby before heading to the embassy. i think i need to see your parent too? Omolara: yes, they reside in Lagos at Fadeyi bus-stop around Yaba. Miss Clara: kk, give me your contact number and address? Omolara: 080946277-- (cut in) Bekky: (shouting)Omolara, wake up jare. what kind of sleep is this? you are sleeping and you are talking, and what are you doing with all this drugs? Omolara: yeah, so am dreaming.......... abortion lai lai, am not going to destroy my destiny with my own hands. She packed all the drugs and threw them all into the water closet (WC). so are you still going on with that abortion? the fact that you terminate it does not mean you are not a mother, but a mother of a dead child. why not keep it, i understand everything at stake. God always have is way in every of our circumstances, someone else failure cause her pain and regret, does not mean you will also experience such agony. learn from there pain and regret, but choose a better path. @OlalekanAde's blog.....

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