

The other day I sat down in my office to work on my computer. It's always on so I usually just wiggle my mouse to turn on my screen and then go to work. On this particular day, I wiggled my mouse and nothing happened. I did it again and still nothing. Then I tapped my keyboard and wiggled my mouse and still nothing. I called one of the IT guys at the church and he told me to try some things which I did and again nothing happened. Then he said, "This is what I want you to do—on the back of your computer is the main power plug. Disconnect it and wait a while to let all the power and all the old information drain out. Then plug it back in and turn it on." So I did exactly that. I pulled the plug and waited a few minutes and then I plugged it back in and my computer came back on and worked perfectly!
As I started to work, I thought about how our lives can be overloaded just like that computer. Sometimes we try many different things to "reset" ourselves but what we really need to do is simply unplug and let go of all the things that are overwhelming us. We need to be still before God and allow Him to recalibrate us.
Have you ever felt like you were working hard but not working smart? Or maybe you feel like you are spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere. Have you lost your peace? That's when you know that you need to unplug and get into the presence of God. You might think, "Oh my life is so busy! I just don't have time." Think about Jesus. He was the busiest person who ever lived on the earth. He couldn't go anywhere without being mobbed by a crowd. He had a mission that He had to fulfill. But He knew that the key to His success was to remove himself from all the activity and go spend time in the Father's presence. If Jesus had to do it, then for sure you and I do, too!
Today, find some time to separate yourself from the distractions of life. Unplug from the activity and be still in the presence of God. Let Him renew and restore you so that you can be empowered by Him to move forward in strength and victory!

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10, NIV)

By Victoria Osteen

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