
Do you believe in yourself?

Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you! One vital choice everyone must make consciously or unconsciously is that about yourself – Do I believe in myself? What a question, you would say. Though the question looks trivial it’s true!
Most times this choice is made unconsciously without even knowing it. Lets play-back time a little; when you tell yourself I don’t think I can pass that exam or get that job employment, or say to yourself, that man is better than I do, that lady is very fortunate, am just a victim of circumstance or ‘man go survive’… I can go on and on. You are simply taking an unconscious choice of doubt in yourself and your hidden potentials. Maybe you are not aware that today’s choices are decisions that determine tomorrow’s destiny!

    Maybe you are not aware that today’s 
choices are decisions that determine tomorrow’s destiny

Choices about yourself spring out of the reserve within. What do you feed on in the secrets? What is the picture on your inside? What do you think about often when you are alone? Do you know that your self-image will always control your choices and ultimately your behavior? Also, you will never attempt to get anything that you feel the person inside you is not qualified to get. Wow! That’s why you have not passed that exam or job interview – you don’t believe you deserve it! Every man is a living magnet! What you believe, you attract into your life. I challenge you today to believe in yourself! Be YOU – You Own Uniqueness!

Credit: Success is Who You are by Pst. Sam Adeyemi, 

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