
Stories from women who have experienced abusive relationships

Stories from women who have experienced abusive relationships

 Jane: My journey to hell and back began twelve years ago.

    Katherine: When his violence became much worse and was being directed at the children, I changed.

    Jody: I know what it’s like to be disregarded and disrespected by the legal system.

    Anna: It took me a lot of false starts, but eventually I stepped out of an abusive relationship.

    Maria: It’s quite a terrible thing to admit that you have been in two abusive relationships.

    Alex: I believed he wanted to change. We even went to counselling together.

    Jenna: We had our good times but once we were married, his desire to control everything became more obvious.

    Kaz: I began to believe that it was my fault and felt like I was in this rollercoaster that I couldn’t get off.

    D: I look in the eyes of my baby girl and know that she watched every bit. It helped to be able to see the truth.

    Ann: I told him to stop but he wouldn’t, and I pushed him away but he pushed me back.

    Julie: After we broke up, he started to stalk me.

    Sallie: Falling in love doesn’t mean the guy is right for you.

    L: Now I stand up to him when he gives orders.

    Kazza: Then over time, sex became more important to him than being together.

    Angel: He pushed me into prostitution.

    Lena: I married an abusive man who had a severe drinking problem.

    Tina: It got to a stage where I didn’t know what the truth was and what was a lie.

    Isobel: I felt like a dog on a chain and I couldn’t get off it.

    Donna: The more I stayed with him the more it destroyed my self esteem.

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