
My Boyfriends Won't Like To Marry Me ........

Olalekan Ade's Blog......
Help me out.......................
After all my race dating 6 young men's in relationship,being caring,kind & faithful. non of them want to marry me,they said am not a wife material. Is that my fault ???
Am just too confused !!!!!!!
MAY BE YOU CAN HELP OUT.....................

Kelly Clarkson Thwarted In Bid To Keep Jane Austen Ring

US singer Kelly Clarkson has been thwarted in her bid to take a ring which once belonged to Jane Austen out of the UK.
She bought the turquoise and gold ring for £152,450 at auction last year, outbidding the Jane Austen's House Museum.
Culture minister Ed Vaizey put an export bar on it until 30 September.
After worldwide donations the museum has since raised enough money to buy the ring and its bid has been accepted.
Contributions to the Bring the Ring Home campaign, set up by the museum in Jane Austen's former home, included an anonymous donation of £100,000 in August.
The museum, in Chawton, Hampshire, was given until December to raise a further £49,000.
Mary Guyatt, curator of the museum, said it had been "stunned by the generosity and light-footedness" of those who had supported the bid


THE HEROES OF 2013 MTN PROJECTFAME 6................

It's Official! Our first grandchild!! Sweet Stella

Don moen, the king of gospel singers and wife welcome there there first 
grandchild "SWEET STELLA" into the world.
we celebrate with you sir..........................

I Will Cry Until He's Dead Or Healed

Olalekan Ade's Blog......
This is the story
of my dear son-from Janet
It all began when my dad forced
me to marry i man i
was not pleased with. The man
was a
and he was poorly behaved, one
day when i was
pregnant, he fought with me
and he threw
me down,
my belly went ahead to the
ground. I was 8 months
pregnant with less than two
weeks to give
birth. I felt alot of pain and in
the morning i
went home to my mum and they took me to the
hospital where
i stayed
until i gave birth.
At the day i gave birth, the
doctor came and examined me.
He told me that
i'm remaining with
three days to give birth but he
said i have
developed a complication in the womb, so the
baby is to be
removed in order to save my
I asked if my baby will be safe,
but he told me that
the baby might even be dead.
I was operated, the baby boy
was removed
but he
was so weak even to breath and he was put
on oxygen and luckly enough he
My uterus was damaged and it
was removed
so i had no chances of giving birth again.
I never got back to my husband
and i decided
look at my world-my boy. I
educated him with my
little income until he graduated
two years
back. He
got a Job and has been working
getting some good
On the 18th of last June, he called me
to come in
town that
he wanted to give me a gift in advance for
day. I was filled with joy and i
was to go there
on 20th of June. On that fateful day, i
called his
phone but
he didn't pick. I went early in
the morning
reached his home where he stayed found
his room
open. I
didn't hesitate but rushed inside
anxious to
see my son and his "gift" only to find
him lying on the
almost dead. Everything in his
house was
stolen . I hurriedly ran out called the police,
hired a car took
him to the hospital.
Since then, he has been in
comma and has
never opened his eyes. He has been
put on life
machines. I have been crying
lying next to
him and i think the day he'll be announced
dead i'll die
next to him. Coz he is the only hope i
have my only
son. Please pray for my son so that
he doesn't die
"May God Heal ur Son Janet"
type AMEN if you were touched.
Please don't scroll without typing

Count Down To Anniversary: Are We Celebrating In Strike

Olalekan Ade's Blog............
Nigerian students are heavily pounding on both the federal govt and the asuu teams if they 
are going to celebrate the anniversary in strike???
STUDENT CONCLUSION: Federal govt should expect the UNEXPECTED !!!!!

At Least 37 Killed in Pakistan Blast

10 Things Happy People Do Differently

Think being happy is something that happens as a result of luck, circumstance, having money, etc.? Think again.

Happiness is a mindset. And if you’re looking to improve your ability to find happiness, then check out these 10 things happy people do differently.
1. Happy people find balance in their lives.Folks who are happy have this in common: they’re content with what they have, and don’t waste a whole lot of time worrying and stressing over things they don’t. Unhappy people do the opposite: they spend too much time thinking about what they don’t have. Happy people lead balanced lives. This means they make time for all the things that are important to them, whether it’s family, friends, career, health, religion, etc
2. Happy people abide by the golden rule.
You know that saying you heard when you were a kid, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” Well, happy people truly embody this principle. They treat others with respect. They’re sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of other people. They’re compassionate. And they get treated this way (most of the time) in return.

3. Happy people don’t sweat the small stuff.

One of the biggest things happy people do differently compared to unhappy people is they let stuff go. Bad things happen to good people sometimes. Happy people realize this, are able to take things in stride, and move on. Unhappy people tend to dwell on minor inconveniences and issues, which can perpetuate feelings of sadness, guilt, resentment, greed, and anger.

4. Happy people take responsibility for their actions.

Happy people aren’t perfect, and they’re well aware of that. When they screw up, they admit it. They recognize their faults and work to improve on them. Unhappy people tend to blame others and always find an excuse why things aren’t going their way. Happy people, on the other hand, live by the mantra:

“There are two types of people in the world: those that do and those that make excuses why they don’t

5. Happy people surround themselves with other happy people.
One defining characteristic of happy people is they tend to hang out with other happy people. Misery loves company, and unhappy people gravitate toward others who share their negative sentiments. If you’re struggling with a bout of sadness, depression, worry, or anger, spend more time with your happiest friends or family members. Chances are, you’ll find that their positive attitude rubs off on you.
6. Happy people are honest with themselves and others.
People who are happy often exhibit the virtues of honesty and trustworthiness. They would rather give you candid feedback, even when the truth hurts, and they expect the same in return. Happy people respect people who give them an honest opinion.
7. Happy people show signs of happiness.
This one may sound obvious but it’s a key differentiator between happy and unhappy people. Think about your happiest friends. Chances are, the mental image you form is of them smiling, laughing, and appearing genuinely happy. On the flip side, those who aren’t happy tend to look the part. Their posture may be slouched and you may perceive a lack of confidence.
8. Happy people are passionate.

Another thing happy people have in common is their ability to find their passions in life and pursue those passions to the fullest. Happy people have found what they’re looking for, and they spend their time doing what they love.
9. Happy people see challenges as opportunities.

Folks who are happy accept challenges and use them as opportunities to learn and grow. They turn negatives into positives and make the best out of seemingly bad situations. They don’t dwell on things that are out of their control; rather, they seek solutions and creative ways of overcoming obstacles.
10. Happy people live in the present.

While unhappy people tend to dwell on the past and worry about the future, happy people live in the moment. They are grateful for “the now” and focus their efforts on living life to the fullest in the present. Their philosophy is:

There’s a reason it’s called “the present.” Because life is a gift.

So if you’d like to bring a little more happiness into your life, think about the 10 principles above and how you can use them to make yourself better....cheers!!!!!

How To Stop Being Angry

Olalekan Ade's Blog.....
We all know people who get angry easily. The ones that lash out either verbally or physically and are seemingly out-of-control. What’s interesting is that most of the time, they regret acting the way they did. They wish they had more self-control but they just can’t help it. It seems impossible to change. They see their anger as a genetic flaw that they have to put up with along with the negative consequences that inevitably follow their expressions of anger.

They are completely wrong.

Anger is not a genetic flaw and they don’t have to put up with it. Anger can be managed — but not by just breathing deeply and saying “Woo-Sah”.

The technique I’m about to introduce to you can be used anytime and anywhere. It can be used with people of all ages and the great thing is that it really works.

So how do you do it? How can you stop being angry (or teach someone else to stop being so angry)?

Well, there are two ways:
You can choose to vent your frustrations; or
You can use my “soon-to-be proposed” method.

Venting takes the energy out of your anger but the anger can always build up again. I’m going to show you how to stop being angry by looking at what your anger is telling you.

The message your anger is sending is that one of your standards, values or important beliefs is being violated by you or someone else.

Take a minute to think back to the last time you were angry. Explore the situation and what your anger is telling you. Which strong belief is being violated?

After you’ve figured out the belief that is being violated, now it is time to work some “magic” and diffuse your anger once and for all. It’s fast, simple, and effective.

You just need to adopt one new belief:

Your beliefs are yours only. Not anyone else’s.

No one ever decided that your standards should be the ones that everyone follows. Your “map” is not the territory. It’s just your perception of the territory. When you take on this belief, your standards are no longer being violated because you’ve allowed other people to live by their own rules, not your rules. When your standards are not being violated, you have lost the reason to be angry.

This has been one of the most powerful realizations in my life.

Let me tell you a true story…

* * *
One day I was driving along a highway in New York City when I was cut off by a young driver in a mid-size sedan. Automatically, I started to “create” a story that he was this rude and disrespectful person that should be taught a lesson. One that I am normally glad to teach. But instead of chasing him down and putting both our lives in danger, I remembered that being angry meant that one of my beliefs had been violated.

I realized that the driver violated my standard that people should respect others especially when driving. Then I thought, what if he wasn’t disrespecting me. What if he was rushing home because his pregnant wife’s water just broke. Would I still be angry?

No, I wouldn’t.

What’s interesting is that both of these scenarios are equally likely. There is really no way for me to confirm.

So which belief will diffuse my anger?

“I hope his wife is alright,” I told myself and I continued the drive to my friend’s house.

What methods do you use to control your anger? What do you find most effective? For those who try this method, let me know how it worked for you.

Fashola Apologise To Ndigbo For Deportation

Lagos — After weeks of intense controversies over the repatriation of some Igbo in Lagos state to Onitsha in Anambra state, the Lagos State Governor Mr Babatunde Fashola yesterday tendered apology to all aggrieved persons.
Fasola tendered his apology while speaking at the 25th anniversary of a pan-Igbo socio-political group, Aka Ikenga held in Lagos yesterday.
Fashola said his government policy was misunderstood by a section of the people and giving political coloration to the incident.
He said he bore no grudges against the Igbo people as speculated.
"Our fore fathers have always had in place a robust relationship with Ndigbo.
"We have built a relationship based on tolerance, mutual respect and trust. That relationship was started by our ancestors," he said.
"There are those who clearly misrepresented the action taken the way they wanted it. To those people, I owe an explanation on what has happened and that was partly why I am here today. If those people have misunderstood me or action taken by our government, here today and publicly, I am offering them unreserved apology," Fashola said

The Effects Of Abortion

Olalekan Ade's Blog Report.....
Abortion is the knowing destruction of the life of an unborn child. But this is only part of the story as abortion also hurts the woman involved. Abortion affects women physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
When an abortion is performed on a woman, she becomes subject to many physical complications.
Blood loss during the procedure causes diversion of blood flow to various organs and can result in shock. When the canal of the cervix is dilated, the insides of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and the abdominal cavity are exposed to invasion by bacteria. Abdominal infection can cause peritonitis and abscess formation. Severe hemorrhage often follows an abortion. Instruments can perforate the uterus causing injury, infection, and bleeding to internal organs.
Deaths from abortions, although rare, are usually from heavy bleedingfrom complications with anesthesia. Women who have abortions increase their risk of breast cancer by 50 percent, according to a new study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Abortion of a first pregnancy interrupts the natural growth process of the breast, leaving millions of cells at a high risk.
It has been found that future pregnancy failure is increased by 45 percent with just one previous abortion. Other complications are a greater risk of premature births, tubal pregnancy, sterility, and damage to the cervix. As a result of abortion, women suffer many physical injuries.
Not only do these women bear physical side effects, but they also suffer many emotional side effects.
Among these are depression, long-term grief reactions, anger, sexual dysfunction, guilt, flashbacks, memory repression, suicidal ideas, and difficulty keeping close relationships.

ASUU Strike: Senate Calls for Lasting Solution

Senator David Mark, has asked the federal and state legislators, especially those in the committess of education, to look for lasting solutions to the ongoing strike embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU.
The Senate president said: “the persistent strike actions by ASUU have had tremendous impact on the quality of our education system. It is becoming necessary for us to initiate a legislative solution to the problem.”
Mark was speaking yesterday at the conference of National Assembly and 36 state houses of assembly committees on the theme “Transforming Nigerian Education Sector” and was represented by Solomon Ganiyu, the minority whip of the Senate.
“The job situation in the country is not what we want it to be,” he added. “The universities have to ensure they pass out marketable graduates that can stand the work environment and add value where required.”
He called on the universities, to re-work their curriculum, so that Nigerian graduates can have necessary skills to be self-employed, while also calling on the private sector to step up too, as the government cannot fund the sector adequately

Eating Fish May Not Help With Memory, Thinking Skills

 OlalekanAde's Blog Report:
Fish may not be brain food after all, a new study suggests.
Older women with higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids did not have any better memory or thinking skills after six years than women with lower levels, says research out Wednesday.
Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, tuna, swordfish, mackerel and sardines. A diet rich in fish has been touted as a way to improve brain health, but research results on its effectiveness have been mixed.

ASUU’s strike: Ondo University Threatens To Pull out

OlalekanAde's Blog Report:
As the crisis between the federal government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) continues unabated, the Vice-Chancellor of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko (AAUA), in Ondo State, Prof. Femi Mimiko today threatened to call his students back to school if the two parties involved fails to resolve before the end of this month.
Mimiko, who spoke with reporters at World Pharmacists Day held in Akure, the State Capital said the management has strategic plans to recall the students back to campus in the next few days.
He stressed that the ongoing ASSU strike had affected the institution’s calendar, which for so many years has remained uninterrupted.
The Vice Chancellor noted that there was an ongoing consultation between the workers and the management on the needs to resume work, if the strike continues.
His words, “interruption of academic calendars is one of the problems we face with regards to this strike action. As you all noted, we manage to run the university for the past four years on an uninterrupted calendar. We are particularly concern about this strike because our academic calendar has been affected.
“We are hoping that ASUU will do the needful to call off the strike as speedily as possible. We have come into the conclusion that in our own interest as a state university, we must begin to find a way to bring our students back. So we are hoping that the strike will be called off before the end of the month, otherwise we may begin to take some steps that will enable us bring our students back to the campus.

This Man Makes $75 An Hour By Cuddling With Strangers

26-year-old stripper-turned-entrepreneur Travis Sigley earns a living cuddling with strangers.
According to the New York Daily News, Sigley charges $75 an hour for “cuddle therapy” sessions where he spoons with random people for extended periods of time, teaching them to be more comfortable with touching others in non-sexual ways.

The answer to these insecurities is Sigley’s private cuddling sessions, held in a cozy room on San Francisco’s Fillmore Street.
Sigley launched his business four years ago, around the same time he quit wearing shirts because “he just doesn’t see the need to.”
While working as a stripper, Sigley soon discovered that clients who paid to take him into the back room were doing so not for sex, but just for chatting.

70-Year-Old Saudi Man Divorces His 15-Year-Old Wife

Recently, a 15-year-old girl ran away from her 70-year-old husband’s house in Saudi Arabia.
The man said that he paid a $20,000 dowry, but was gypped when the girl’s parents took the girl back. Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission said that a divorce was granted to the teen.
There is now belief that the man is actually 86, not 70, stating that he believed that the girls was 25. Either way, it seems that the divorce is final and that everything was resolved amicably.

Stripper who flirted with Senate Booker on Twitter

Twitter is U.S. Senate candidate Cory Booker's preferred method of communication. He's often seen at public events pecking away at his phone, sending his 1.4 million followers staccato updates, inspirational quotations, shoutouts to campaign volunteers and nerdy musings on "Star Trek."
But his social media habit raised some eyebrows this week after the website Buzzfeed disclosed that he direct messaged with a stripper from Oregon.
The 44-year-old Booker, who is single, exchanged the private messages earlier this year with Lynsie Lee. She works at Casa Diablo in Portland, Ore., which bills itself as "the world's first vegan strip club."
Booker and Lee both had appeared in a documentary about using Twitter. In February, Lee wrote Booker to say the West Coast loved the Newark mayor. Booker wrote back to say the East Coast loves her, "and by the East Coast, I mean me."
"Well now I'm blushing," Lee wrote back.
"It's only fair," Booker responded.
Lee provided a screenshot of the exchange to BuzzFeed, which published a story Wednesday.
The playful exchange is typical of how Booker engages on Twitter, sending out cheeky answers to marriage proposals, responding to a man with a play on the lyrics to Jay-Z's "99 Problems," retweeting people with risque usernames and regularly asking followers to send him direct messages.
Booker brushed off the exchanges with Lee on Thursday, reiterating that he communicates with "thousands of people" on Twitter. Booker said he doesn't care what people do for work and the "puritanical judgment" of Lee was "over the top."
Booker said he talks to everybody and has no plans to stop.
"You guys might have some prurient interest," he said, "but at the end of the day this is about extending kindness to folks."
Lee told The Associated Press that the interaction was "G-rated flirting" that had been blown out of proportion. She called it a "1 out of 10" compared with some of the messages she receives.
"I flirted with him publically, as I do with a lot of people," Lee said about Booker. "There was nothing secret or sexy about it." She said she and mayor never communicated outside Twitter.

New Arctic Island Discovered

The Russian Navy has confirmed the presence of a new island in the Arctic, which would increase the number of islands in the Franz Josef Land archipelago to 192. The report was published in the Russian news service RIONOVOSTI.
The archipelago – named after an Austrian emperor — is among the last true frontiers. Even Google maps can’t zoom in close. The ice-covered islands resemble a white smattering of freckles near the Norwegian island of Svalbard below the North Pole. Fjords and sounds surround the islands, with water depths exceeding 250 meters. The waters are covered in sea ice for 9 months a year. More than 85 percent of the islands are made up of glaciers. A forbidding place, to be sure.

Lamar Odom Breaks His Silence

Olalekan Ade's Blog Storm on this report:
Lamar Odom is breaking his silence with his first post on Twitter since the NBA star was arrested and charged with driving under the influence last month.
Odom tweeted "Seeing the snakes" on Tuesday night in his first post since his Aug. 30 arrest.
He followed with an extended tweet from his verified account that referenced his estranged father. The message about his dad came after Radar Online published an in-depth interview with the reality star's father. In the interview, Odom's father, Joe, bashed Lamar's extended Kardashian family, calling his wife, Khloe, a phony.
"Won't continue 2 speak on this but I have got 2 let this out real quick. I have let this man and many others get away with a lot of sh*t. He wasn't there 2 raise me," Lamar vented. "He was absent ALL of my life due to his own demons. My mother and grandmother raised me. Queens raised me," Odom tweeted.

His Excellency Babatunde Raji Fashola


Posted on: 2013-09-24 00:00:00
Lagos State Governor, Mr Babatunde Fashola (SAN) on Monday attended the special service for the opening of the 2013/2014 New Legal Year in Lagos State, charging law officers to keep afloat the structures that enable them assist the less privileged in the society.
The Governor who spoke at the Lagos Central Mosque on Nnamdi Azikiwe Street, through his Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr Ade Ipaiye said the structures which include the Office of the Public Defender and the Public Interest Law Partnership office have enabled lawyers give free services to members of  the public.
He stated that the Public Interest Law Partnership office located in the State Ministry of Justice has aided 100 litigants who ordinarily would not have had access to justice because they lack the funds to hire lawyers to defend them.  
He tasked legal practitioners who are yet to enlist on the programme to do so without any further delay and ensure that on a regular basis they take on cases to assist less privilege brothers and sisters by giving out some of their time and experience.
The Governor stressed that there is nothing comparable to when a lawyer decides to give assistance to a man who would ordinarily have been incarcerated unjustly for an offence which he might not have committed.

Mtn Project Fame Winner

So many words are jumping through the air that  OMOLAYO 2, will eventually become the next SENSATIONAL 6 WINNER as a superstar.
Lets know your own views over the contestants of your choice.............

Tessane Chin Could Easily Win


Tessane dominated night two of this season’s blind auditions.from the Sept. 24 episode of ‘The Voice.

Adam Levinne said that with the current storming of Tessane Chin in the on-going competition,she could easily win.

The first contestant to grace The Voice stage Sept. 24 was Jacquie Lee, 16, singing Amy Winehouse’s “Back to Black.” Her voice was soulful, but her boots are what really stole the show

Frozen Ground

Olalekan Ade's Blog get on chat with NICOLAS CAGE last night on tweeter,he disclose it was a recent true life story. so if you are a nicolas cage fans,get to watch this from the brain master..


Finally out last week saturday on cinema     PRISONERS

Forces Against My Soul

If you think you are standing as a christian,you better be careful or else you fall. this is a must watch to everybody,most especially students all over the higher institution. i was touched so much & big much....

Legend Of The Seeker Season 3

Olalekan Ade's Blog storm on this information today on smgotv.com website(official station of legend of the seeker).  they are assuring all seeker fans that the season 3 complete episode will be out by November 2013. so those this make any difference to you over your long awaiting seasonal film??? LETS HAVE YOUR VIEWS......

Kelly Clarkson Takes Loss

Kelly Clarkson’s quest to own Jane Austen’s antique ring has officially come to a disappointing end. After purchasing the beauty at auction, it was denied export because of “national treasure” status and Jane Austen’s House Museum in Chawton, Hampshire was given a few months to raise £152,450 to match her bid. The non-profit officially raised the rest of the funds over the weekend, leaving Clarkson out of luck for the something old item needed for her upcoming marriage.

No doubt the result was disappointing for Clarkson, but she was very gracious about her loss. In fact, she even reached out to British Austen fans to give them a thumbs up.

Emmys Worst Dressed: See The Weird & Wacky Looks

The red carpet at the 2013 Emmy Awards was a sight to see! While so many stars dressed to impress, unfortunately these leading ladies struck out when it came to their style. VOTE and tell us who you think had the worst look of the night.

The Emmy Awards celebrates the best actors and actresses television has to offer, while the red carpet is intended for the best styles the stars have to offer. While we loved so many of the gorgeous gowns, not everyone got the memo. In fact, some dresses were quite disastrous!

Debby Ryan's Sexy, Strappy Sandals

Debby Ryan, 20, was seen leaving Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood on Sept. 16 where the Jessie star rocked a really feminine look. Her lacy dress was offset by a bright red lip, but it was her sexy sandals that really had us doing a double take — and we were so pleased to find out that they’re totally affordable, too.

The Vampire Diaries

Olalekanade's Blog got an early look at the ‘Vampire Diaries’ season five premiere, and we’ve got five spoilers to tide you over until it airs.

Are you ready for “The Vampire DiariesThe College Years”? An all-new season of The CW’s hottest addiction begins Oct. 3, thrusting our characters into new and uncharted territory. By doing away with the Mikaelson family — don’t worry, there’ll always be The Originals – and by giving the cast a change of scene, I think EP Julie Plec injected the show with a much-needed kick; and in typical Vampire Diaries fashion, the premiere keeps on kicking from beginning to end.