
Two Men Were Seriously ill

Two men were seriously ill. They occupied the same room in the hospital. One of them was lying in the bed near the only window in their room. Every day he was allowed to spend some time sitting up in his bed to help draining the fluid from lungs. The other man was forced to spend all his days flat on his back.
They talked a lot about their life, families, jobs, vacations. Every time, when the first man was sitting by the window, he described in details all that he saw outside the window. His roommate always looked for those moments, when his world was broadened and brightened up by the world outside.
Amazing views of a park with a beautiful lake could be seen from the window of their room. Children delightfully played among ducks and swans. Couples walked arm in arm among colourful flowers. Also the stunning city skyline could be seen.
When the man by the window had been thoroughly describing all that was happening outside the window, his roommate would close his eyes and imaged all the beautiful scenes of life that were told to him.
One night the man, whose bed was near the window, died peacefully during sleep and his roommate was very sad.
After some time, when the nurse came to visit him, he asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse agreed and kindly made the switch. When she left, the man slowly and painfully propped himself up on one elbow and took the first look at the world outside. He was stunned. The window faced a blank wall.
When the nurse came to visit him the next time, he told her about beautiful things outside the window that his roommate described him. The nurse replied that his roommate was a blind man. She said: „Probably he just tried to encourage you.
Appreciate people around you, encourage them and never look down on them. your situation could be more better than there's, today is the only story we can feature, not guaranteed you will feature in tomorrow story.
@OlalekanAde's blog.....

Can Christians Use Sex Toys?

Have tried to clarify this SEX TOY of a thing to so many ladies and they believe i know nothing about sex and the hunger it brought.
Now let's discuss this topic as a "CHRISTIAN" can you use it?

i don't want to be scriptural here, fornication is not good and adultery is a sin. so many house wives complain about how bad there husband are unable to satisfy them during sex and they don't want to engage in secret relationship, because it can ruin there marriage and is a sin to God.

Means Sex Toy will safe your Marriage.....

i took my time in researching about this sex toy of a thing very well, remember i told you am not going to be scriptural on this angle, cause is a reality and made to be understand topic.


I believe that God created sex to connect us on three levels: the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual.
And sex works best when all three are involved! That doesn’t mean that every time you make love the earth has to move, but the sum total of your sex life should connect you not just physically, but spiritually as well.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with the physical side of sex. Sex is supposed to feel great, but when we emphasize only that, sex can lose its power to really bind us together. So I’m worried that if people get too into sex toys they will thus get too into chasing the next orgasm, rather than expressing love.
Most sex toys are really masturbatory in nature. They help you have an orgasm. Even if he’s the one using it on you, then, you’re having a parallel sexual experience, you’re not really making love to your husband.
Now I don’t actually think there’s anything wrong with parallel experiences as a whole. If  he, for instance, were to tease you non stop for thirty minutes and then bring you to orgasm while you’re doing nothing to him, I think that’s great. So I’m not against the concept. What I am against is that some people start using sex toys so much when they make love that you feel like it’s the sex toy that’s making you feel good, and not your husband.
So if, with sex toys, you start to rely on them, whether you’re together or apart, you lose some of the closeness that sex can bring.
Most guys aren’t that big. And they can’t vibrate like that. Do you really want to get reliant on something your husband can never be for an orgasm? When I get asked at a seminar recently, “can Christians use vibrators”, I always worry a bit, because I’ve received some emails from wives saying, “I can orgasm with a vibrator, but not with my husband.” We train our bodies to respond to the sex toy, and then when we’re with someone who isn’t that big, or who doesn’t vibrate, the sensation isn’t strong enough to bring us over the edge. So, yes, vibrators can make you more orgasmic. But they can also make you LESS orgasmic with your husband.
I need to read your opinion on this topic, CAN CHRISTIANS USE SEX TOYS???
@OlalekanAde's blog........