
Unprotected oral sex 'has become the leading cause of mouth cancer

Bedtime story: The NHS offers advices to men and women to help prevent contracting HPV during oral sex

Smoking, chewing tobacco and excessive boozing have long been blamed for causing mouth cancer - but they are set to be overtaken by ORAL SEX.
The shock revelation comes due to the spread of cases caused by HPV, or the human papillomavirus .
Although HPV is in itself not actually cancerous, it can affect the cells, causing abnormal tissue growth in the mouth.
This can eventually lead to mouth or oral cancer, according to online health clinic Euroclinix .
Read more: Calls for boys to be vaccinated as rise in mouth cancer is linked to changing sexual habits
Mouth cancer can occur on various areas of the mouth including the tongue, the lips, the inside of the cheek, in the gums and the throat.
According to experts, detecting mouth cancer in its early stages can increase survival changes by 90%. Knowing how to spot the symptoms of mouth cancer is therefore crucial.
They can include red or white patches on your tongue or in the mouth, lumps, mouth ulcers, pain and difficulty swallowing.
The human papilloma virus affects the skin found in areas of the body that are exposed to moisture, such as the mouth, rectum, cervix and throat.
HPV can be contracted through unprotected sexual activity.

As the type of HPV found in the mouth is almost certain to be related to sexual activity, it is highly likely that oral sex is a risk factor for mouth cancer .
Unprotected oral sex also carries the risk of STI transmission, including genital herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis.
The NHS advises men to wear condoms and women to place a latex square or dental dam over their genitals to help prevent contracting HPV during oral sex.
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