
How Your Online Profile Could Sabotage Your Future

If you have an online profile on social networking websites, such as Facebook,Twitter,Instagram and so on. be aware, what you publish on the Internet for the world to see could end up sabotaging your future.i will like to reminds viewers that what you may think is acceptable may not be acceptable to your future, especially when it comes to your relationship and career.

I earlier met a reader of this page and i could understand what it means to be abandoned,rejected and ignored. i wouldn't like to disclose her name to you because i valued people privacy so much, year 2010 at school she got her first camera phone and she was so excited, she snaps pictures with it all around with video records. few weeks later a friend came to visit her and notice those pictures on her phone, wow she said nice pics and they also speaks like motions. why don't you upload them on Facebook? she never knew anything called Facebook then, in fact she never heard about it before but she sees it as welcoming opinion. so she upload all the pics taking in her bedroom,lecture rooms,party,flexing with friends,gossiping,on the streets,at the beach and malls. mind you non of this pics are nudity images, well okay as far as the cyberspace regulation boards are consign.
After uploading them all, she freed her phone memory of the images. so she flip on them on the internet, forgetting she's not the only one flipping on it. sooner she got interested in twitter,Instagram and so on. this websites offer easy signup by just clicking on the facebook button and you are fully a member. unknowing to her, all her facebook past and present activities will be openly shared on the other websites. her images and videos had gone round the world and she was never aware of the risk involved. year 2012 she graduated from school, hoping to get married soon to her 4yrs in a relationship boyfriend, but it never work out as planned. according to her, "nothing came up he just seek for a break and the break was never over".
all along she believes life goes on, so she faced her job seeking mission. she told me how perfectly she was for all the job interviews she took. but she won't just understand why they won't give her the job, she prayed,fast and committed to the family of God. thinking may be God is angry with him and could show forth some mercy. early this year she took her last interview at a multinational company, which she paid a job consultant some amount of money just to get a job by all means. finally she got a job, not just a job but she was appointed as the manager with other benefits. she was so happy and grateful to God, for wiping all her tears with joy. you could understand how happy you will be, if you are.
4 months later, some teams of armed men approached the company and she was apprehended for no reason. she said all she knew was her arising at the EFCC interrogation room.
they want to know about her past and life styles, which she did told them but they believe she was hiding something and that lead to her hell torture, her poor families tried all they could to free her but all to avail. she told me she was not aware of the main reason why they are torturing her and making life miserable to her until the arrival of a foreign investigator who showed her all her pics and videos online, not from facebook but on dirty websites like porn videos and dating sites. but that was not the reason she was arrested, her pictures was used in over 116 scamming lists, to fraud  and scam people all over the world with instagram videos as attachment. immediately she told me she fainted and was on comma for days, when she waked up she notice handcuffs on her hands and legs as she boost into tears. a nurse rush in and the foreign investigator, she was console by family and friends that everything will soon be alright. the next question came from the foreign investigator, are you innocent of all the crimes,because all the pictures are strictly yours??? she told me she was speechless and all she heard was a search warrant given to the police officers, to go and search her office computers, personal laptops, gadgets and home. this search warrant lead to my sanction from work. i lost everything at that moment and my life is like ending, i only upload on those websites and chat once in a while. am not an internet browsing person,may be i would have storm on those websites and raise some alarms. those scammers ruin my relationship and career and here i am today, wishing the rapture could happen today.
i got freed through the help of the foreign investigator at the court, but i was bound from visiting europe,asia,south america and so on in fact better still not leave nigeria. because scammed victims are really in search for me and cyber crime agencies, but staying in nigeria keep me protected. please kindly tell nigeria youths and students to Protect there online identity by thinking twice about what you post and upload.
I BELEIVE YOU PICK ONE THING, STAY SAFE ONLINE. you can contact me with the above contact details. @olalekanade


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