

When you consider your dreams and goals, do you ever think they look too big or too impossible? When we think limiting thoughts, it's like building a box around our dreams. Doubt and unbelief limit what God can do in your life. That's why it's so important to meditate on the fact that we serve the God of the breakthrough! Like a flood, in an instant His favor can overtake you and change things. In an instant, He can open the right door. In an instant, He can cause someone to pay a debt. In an instant, you can be healed.

Don't accept things in your life that are far less than God's best. Be breakthrough-minded. No matter what's happened in your past, this is a new day. New seeds have taken root in your heart. I believe the God of the breakthrough is about to visit your house, not with a trickle of favor, not with a stream of blessing. No, get ready for a flood of God's favor, a tidal wave of His goodness.

Today I encourage you to release your faith in a greater way. If you don't pray for that break through, it won't happen. Dare to believe. He wants to give you something to talk about. He wants to give you some new landmarks so that in the future, you can look back and say, "I know that was the God of the breakthrough!"

Isaiah said: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to announce a day when the free favor of God profusely abounds." Notice the word he used to describe God's favor, profusely. That means "overwhelming, out of the norm, exceeding."

Like Isaiah, I've announced that a flood of God's power is coming—favor like you've never seen before. Instead of being overwhelmed by burdens, you will be overwhelmed by God's blessings. But the real question is this: can you receive this into your spirit?

Today, in order to help you become more breakthrough-minded, I want to invite you to pick up a copy of my new book, Break Out: Five Ways to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life. In this book, I provide you with practical steps and encouragement for living a life without limitations—the life God designed for you. Get your copy and get on the way to living breakthrough-minded and prepare the way to victory!

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